WOW players active out of things with safewow wow gold Thanksgiving SpecialPosted by goldsafe21 on November 23rd, 2015 World of Warcraft players active out of things to do in Warlords of Draenor will get some abatement this week. Application 6.2.3 will acquaint several new activities to the game. Time to join safewow Thanksgiving promotions now:8% off wow gold and wow mounts/pets/gears during 11.20-11.30.2015. The application brings aback Valor point upgrades. You can absorb 250 Valor credibility to accession accessory by 5 account levels. This can be done alert for anniversary item and WOW Gold. You'll acquire Valor in several ways: Commutual the aboriginal accidental Heroic Alcove of the day Commutual Mythic Dungeons Commutual account Bonus Accident quests (except for the Pet Battle Bonus Event) Commutual a Raid Finder accession for Highmaul, Blackrock Foundry, or Hellfire Citadel for the aboriginal time anniversary week. Timewalking Alcove events, which calibration down players' levels and apparatus to archetypal dungeons, are getting expanded. Magister’s Terrace and Pit of Saron are getting added to the Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King events, respectively. A new Cataclysm accident will let you revisit the afterward old dungeons: End Time Grim Batol Lost City-limits of Tol’vir Stonecore The Vortex Pinnacle Throne of Tides During the Cataclysm Timewalking event, a bell-ringer abreast the Cataclysm portals in Orgrimmar and Stormwind will advertise avant-garde versions of the accessory from that expansion. They'll aswell action an array of toys. Furthermore, all Timewalking administration will now accept a adventitious to bead a aerial dragon arise alleged the Infinite Timereaver. Solo and five-man rewards accept been additional in superior so they'll be added desirable. Baleful items activate in Tanaan Jungle now accept a adventitious to accord you accidental accessory alignment amid account akin 655 and 695. Mythic Dungeons will bead boodle that ranges amid account akin 685 and 725. Administration in Mythic Dungeons aswell accept a adventitious to bead antique trinkets that will calibration up to akin 110. This agency you'll be application the account while leveling in accessible amplification Legion. There's acumen to accumulate raiding Hellfire Citadel, too. Beating Archimonde on Heroic or Mythic adversity will acquire you a adventure account that can be exchanged for a new Grove Warden mount. Blizzard has aswell alien cross-realm Mythic raiding so you can acquisition a accumulation to accouterment the Citadel while it's still relevant. Some time afterwards Application 6.2.3, Blizzard will aswell alteration to the third PvP division for Warlords of Draenor. Players will be able to acquire Warmongering Aspirant accessory that scales to PvP account akin 715, Warmongering Combatant accessory that scales to 730, and Warmongering Gladiator accessory that scales to 740. Blizzard appear endure anniversary that Legion will be accessible by September 2016. They haven't appear any new agreeable accomplished Application 6.2.3 just yet but I achievement they've got something abroad planned to accumulate players active until the new amplification arrives. Just be a safewow member and gain free 100 Reward Points(()now.THANKU-8% discount code to buy cheapest wow gold US/EU enjoying wow patch 6.2.3 from NOW !Like it? Share it!More by this author |