Posted by Golden on August 18th, 2010


If you want your company to treat you fairly when is comes to pay rise, you have to tell them what is on your mind.


In two studies conducted to see whether assertive out spoken workers elicit better performance evaluations; they found that confident workers feel more appreciated and content because they air their opinions and engage in serious dialogue with their bosses. So how do you become more assertive?


We have all been through them: bosses who encourage more fury and frustration than productivity and inspiration. They bark orders, mumble vague instructions, and seem oblivious to their employee?s success but strangely attuned to every mistake which they play back at every opportunity. Many of us have spent lunches opening up our bosses mistakes and short comings, while envisaging early retirement or personality repair for him or her.


But such thoughts miss the mark because it is not about personality. It is about behavior. An expert on management suggests that many different kinds of people make good managers. Besides, who we are is far more difficult to change than what we are. Below are 10 essential actions that help you become a better work.


-         clarify objectives of job assignments

-         describe assignments clearly

-         listen to your employees views

-         make available resources to carry out tasks

-         be explicit about evaluation standards

-         reward effort and other incentives

-         give prompt feedback on performance

-         avoid personal friendships with employees

-         admit your errors do not tell lies

-         Make the decisions that are yours to make.


These 10 behaviors constitute a cohesive system and the removal of any one of them the system may crumble. Employees need to know how they will be judged, what priorities their bosses will set and whether their earnest efforts will be noticed.



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Joined: August 9th, 2010
Articles Posted: 73

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