Abortion Pill Procedure Essentials that women Should Know

Posted by Joanna Lewis on March 2nd, 2016

Ending pregnancy for women who are 49 or 63 days pregnant (7 to 9 weeks) or lesser than that from 4 weeks gestation is possible with medications. The FDA has certified certain medicine for abortion such as Mifepristone and Misoprostol in terminating a pregnancy early. The former is a synthetic steroid or a progesterone blocker, which stops pregnancy from developing, and the later is prostaglandin analogue to expel the pregnancy parts from the womb. It is proven that when both these tablets are combined in medical regimen of pregnancy termination, the success rate of the process is above 95 percent.

Administration and Role of Mifepristone

To start abortion with abortion pills also known as mtp kit, the woman consumes orally 2 to 3 tablets of Mifepristone orally (200mg each). The users are advised against powdering or breaking the tablets, and avoid taking alcohol and smoking. If needed, the woman may have someone assist her with the procedure, but is not mandatory if she follows the protocols, and has emergency care accessible. If taking the medicine in clinic, she can go home after the pill’s intake, and has to follow up with doctor at the end of 14 days of pregnancy termination.

  • This medicine causes uterine lining to alter and break. The endometrial lining when broken detaches the fetus and ends its progress in womb. It also expands the cervix and cause minor contractions of the uterus.
  • The woman may not experience any vivid discomfort from this online abortion pill. However, some may reportedly start with light bleeding or feel nauseous, which the symptoms are actually beginning after use of Misoprostol.

Dosage and Working of Misoprostol

Follow the same precautions as mentioned above even for the Misoprostol tablets. The intake method is different, as the user has to place 4 tablets each of 200mcg under tongue, and ingest the pills after half an hour without use of water, in sublingual administration mode. This way, system faster absorbs the ingredients of the tablet, and the fetal expelling begins soon within half an hour of the medication’s consumption. The woman starts with heavy bleeding within half an hour to an hour of the dosage, and the bleeding is heavier than the periods.

  • The medication is administered to increase the contractions of womb, and widen further the cervix in letting out pregnancy parts. As the bleeding flushes the fetal remains down, the abortion comes to successful end within 14 days or less.
  • The female has to follow up with doctor for uterus ultrasound to see if the medicines were able to evict the fetal parts from the womb completely or not.
  • The procedure proves positive most of the times, but in rare cases, the pregnancy has to be then terminated with medications if the contents are still in the womb.

Drug Interactions

The metabolism of progesterone-blocking agent via CYP3A4 increases with ketoconazole, grapefruit juice, and erythromycin, or itraconazole hiking serum level of abortion pills serum level. Dexamethasone, and St. John's Wort, rifampicin, or some anticonvulsants such as Phenobarbital, carbamazepine, and phenytoin, can lower serum levels of the tablets. Antacids must not be used if medicines are utilized for terminating pregnancy.

Who Should Stay Off Medical Pregnancy Ending?

Women not recommended for taking medical pregnancy ending procedure include those allergic to the medicines involved for the regimen, anti-coagulants use like heparin and warfarin, or use of prednisone, dexamethasone or similar corticosteroids etc. If the female has contraceptive device in the uterus then it must be removed before the regimen.

The medications must be avoided incase the user had Addison disease, adrenal gland problems, ectopic pregnancy, undiagnosed growth in her abdomen, bleeding disorders like porphria, or unable to access follow-up visit with her healthcare provider. Breastfeeding must not be undertaken during the medical process, and aftercare tips must be followed as recommended by a specialist.

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Joanna Lewis

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Joanna Lewis
Joined: July 24th, 2015
Articles Posted: 25

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