Common Things Your Website Might Be Missing and How to Fix Them

Posted by Anil Sharma on June 28th, 2022

You could lose your valuable traffic due to some missing elements in your website. Find out what elements your site is missing and make changes accordingly!

Do you know that a bad site can drive people to leave your site too quickly after landing on it? Some crucial components make a website a traffic-generating machine.

If you have your website with all the elements but are not able to rank your website on the Google search engine then you may contact the best SEO agency in India.

So, you must have certain elements that you should have on your website so that you can generate more leads and conversions through it.

Let's discuss some of the important elements.

1. Clear Call To Action

It is the action that you want your user to perform after visiting your site.

Not having a CTA is the biggest mistake you can make as your users may not get clarity of what to do after consuming your content.

You can use a CTA button on your site that can help you to convert a visitor who clicks on this button. The CTA buttons should be placed in a visible area and that helps the users to click often.

You can use actionable text in your CTA button that describes what will happen after clicking the button. You should use contrasting colors to make the button stand apart.

You should use the marketing term FOMO which shows the urgency to the users for which they might click your CTA buttons.

Apart from these, you should have lots of white spaces surrounding your CTA button.

2. Mobile-Friendly Design

The major issue a website can have is a non-responsive website as most people are using mobile devices these days to browse the internet.

People are reading emails and browsing websites on their mobile devices more than before.

You should take a mobile-friendly test for your website to check whether your website is mobile-friendly or not.

You should enable browser caching on your website that will speed up your website. You should set a mobile-friendly preferred width that will make your website look great on mobile devices.

3. Customer Testimonials

Word of mouth marketing is going to trend in the coming years.

You should have customer testimonials on your website that will make your website look authentic. As people read and trust other people's reviews the most before they make any purchase on the internet.

You may use different tools that offer a personalized testimonial and also integrate social media that helps to scale up the reviews on your website.

You should post genuine testimonials from your past customers that will have a positive impact on the conversions through your website.

4. Blogs

If you are putting all of your efforts into the service page of your website without having a section for blogs then you are making a huge mistake.

Do you know that most of the leads and conversions are generated through a blog?

Having a Blog section on your website will allow you to attract more visitors to your website that eventually may get converted.

A blog will give your brand a voice and you will be able to easily connect with many influencers who can do word-of-mouth marketing for your brand.

A blog on your website will act as a heart for all the content marketing efforts. It can build confidence, and relationships, and ultimately can increase sales.


If you are looking for services to rank your website on the search engines then you may check for the best SEO services in India.

It's no secret that everything today is done online people now shop, interact, look up information, and even market for businesses using the internet. So, a website is one of the most powerful tools that can grow your business and can become more successful. You should keep these important elements on your website.

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Anil Sharma

About the Author

Anil Sharma
Joined: May 18th, 2021
Articles Posted: 64

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