Be Watchful While Choosing Out For The Best Bad Credit Home Mortgage LoansPosted by Nick Niesen on October 29th, 2010 Traditional banks and lending institutions are raising the stakes in credit investigations because of the number of non-performing loans. This means that even those with good credit have a hard time getting approved. However, getting a bad credit home mortgage bank loan is not the impossible dream it once was. In fact, the market for a bad credit home mortgage bank loan or other similar financial instrument is on the increase. More and more people have no choice but to avail of non-traditional loans while under (hopefully) temporary poor credit. Sounds good, yes? However, expect to pay a higher loan rate because you are a higher risk than the average Joe, who, on the other hand does a lot of spadework for a traditional loan, which you will not have to go through. Be Clam and Thoughtful While Opting For Bad Credit Home Mortgage Loan: The bad credit home mortgage loan has taken a lot of flak from mortgage holders for sticking them with a high-interest, killer mortgage loan that is eating up their income. Yet clients should be fully cognizant of the terms they are getting. It is unfortunate but a fact of life that the bad credit home loan lender does not make sure the client reads the fine print. With the tightening residential real estate market making sales difficult, a creative bad credit home mortgage loan can still cater to the needs of the client (new home loan, second loan or loan equity) who may not be able to get a traditional mortgage loan because of poor credit. Precautions to be taken on your Part: Because of its flexibility, an unscrupulous bad credit home mortgage loan will not advise clients against paying the minimum because these will incur bigger interest payments. Typically, the minimum payment is not enough to even cover the interest payments after the 3rd month. This unpaid balance will be added to the principal as deferred interest, so instead of keeping or decreasing the amount of the principal, this increases. For more info see on home equity loans. A bad credit home mortgage loan lender should inform the borrower of how this so-called negative amortization can hurt in the long run and result in additional interest payments. Unfortunately this does not always happen as it should. This type of financing is best used as a loan when credit rating is bad, but with the intention of refinancing it with a fixed-rate loan once the credit rating qualifies the borrower for it. The conditions of the loan should allow such prepayments with minimal or no penalties. The professional bad credit home mortgage loan should advise the borrower about this. Like it? Share it!More by this author |