Is Cheap Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance Possible?

Posted by Nick Niesen on October 29th, 2010

It is possible to get cheap mortgage payment protection insurance (MPPI) but you have to know where to go for the premiums. Historically, the cover that is sold alongside mortgages from the high street lender can add hundreds or even thousands of pounds onto the cost of the mortgage more than it need to if you had gone with the specialist in payment protection products.

Cheap mortgage payment protection insurance is taken out if you wish to safeguard against the possibility that you might come out of work if you should suffer from an accident, sickness or unemployment by such as redundancy. If this were to happen then you would still have your mortgage repayments to make and this adds stress and anxiety at a time when you don?t need it. Providing that cheap mortgage payment protection insurance would be suitable for your needs then it would ease the stress and worry by giving you a tax free income after you had been out of work for a set period of time. This will vary from provider to provider but usually ranges from the 31st day to the 90th day of being out of work and would be backdated to day one with the majority of insurers.

The cover would then keep paying out each month for up to 12 months and with some providers for up to 24 months. You do however have to check the exclusions to ensure that cheap mortgage payment protection insurance would be suitable for your needs. Some of the usual reasons which could stop you from claiming include being in part time work, retired or if you have an illness at the time of taking out the policy.

The exclusions caused many of the problems when in recent years the Financial Services Authority investigated and fined several well known high street names before the Office of Fair Trading turned the sector over to the Competition Commission. The Competition Commission are conducting an in-depth inquiry into the sector which will end in February 2009.

If you want the safety net that cheap mortgage payment protection insurance can provide then get quotes from a specialist and make sure that you understand the terms and conditions in a policy before you buy.

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Nick Niesen

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Nick Niesen
Joined: April 29th, 2015
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