Tear Your Mortgage a New One by Refinancing Your Home LoanPosted by Nick Niesen on October 29th, 2010 Do you have a mortgage with high interest rates, sizable monthly payments, and little cash to take care of bills and credit card debt? If so, you may consider the option of refinancing your home. Refinancing involves ending your current loan agreement with your lender and getting an entirely new mortgage. One benefit of taking this step is that you have the ability to get a much better interest rate on your home loan, lower your monthly payments, and even borrow extra money in order to take care of debts or home improvements. Lowering your interest rate can make a huge difference in how long it takes for you pay down your mortgage because with each payment you make, more of your money is going to the principal balance of the loan rather than to the interest. Paying thousands of dollars in interest can make a homeowner feel like they are spinning their wheels; getting no closer to actually owning their home outright. Be sure to do research before jumping into the world of refinancing. You need to speak to an advisor who can tell you about current interest rates and forecasted trends. You will also need to decide once again if a variable rate or fixed rate mortgage would be more appropriate to your situation. Fixed rate mortgages can give you peace of mind, in that you know every month what the payments will be. With variable rates, you are vulnerable to the financial tides, which can be very anxiety inducing. On the other hand, variable rate loans can often mean lower payments than fixed rate ones provide. You have to decide how much of a risk you want to take in order to save as much money as possible. Lower monthly payments can be achieved if you alter the length of time you have to pay back the mortgage. This aspect is something that you have to weigh carefully. If you want smaller payments, then you will need to extend the length of the loan, meaning that you will have this debt over your head for a lot longer. However, if lower monthly payments will make your life easier, it may well be worth dragging out the loan. Alternatively, you can also shorten the loan period when you refinance your home. If interest rates are favorable at the time, you may not even increase your monthly payments, but will save a great deal of money that would otherwise be applied to interest over the course of your loan. Not only can refinancing make your mortgage conditions more favorable in the long run, but it also enables you to borrow over and above the amount needed to repay your current mortgage. This money can be used to pay off debts, home repairs, or any number of emergencies that can happen in life. This money is simply added to the amount you owe. There are a couple of disadvantages to refinancing your home loan to be aware of. One is the fact that your original lender may charge you a penalty for paying off your mortgage early. Also, because you are starting a new mortgage from scratch, you will have to pay fees to the new lending company. Each lender is different in terms of what you will be charged for the privelege of borrowing money, so it is wise to shop around. Because there are so many costs involved, most people simply include the lender's fees and closing costs into the amount of their new mortgage. This is a great choice for homeowners who are strapped for cash at the time. Refinancing your home loan can have many advantages to it, and can improve your quality of life by reducing the amount of money you pour out each month on interest and monthly payments. You can also get your hands on extra money to take care of immediate financial concerns, which can be a great stress reliever and save you money in the long run. Just remember to take all lender's fees, penalties, and interest rates into consideration before jumping into anything. Like it? Share it!More by this author |