Posted by maying on April 12th, 2017

No one would pin the consequence on an Atlanta Falcons player if he chose to burn the tape of Super Bowl LI. Yet to a man each has stared down the disaster.

"No, I watched it, " Matt Ryan instructed the Atlanta Journal-Constitution with Monday. "I watched it each day after. I watched it a pair of days after and When i watched it three days after. For me, it was one of these things where you kind of want every single child deal with it correctly.

"Maybe, that's different for all people. Some people bury that away. Some people (carry out) whatever.... For me it was 'all right, let's watch. Does it feel the identical way it felt as we were going through the item? '"

As you are aware can't, the Falcons held a 28-3 lead inside the second half before a serious of miscues -- such as several by Ryan (more about cheapnfl17coins Packs) -- concluded in the biggest collapse within Super Bowl history.

The epic meltdown triggered many fans and media personalities at fault then-offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan's play-calling. Ryan did not enroll in that chorus when given time to second-guess passing in 2 situations that running the ball can have closed out the win.

"You have to believe in what you are carrying out, " Ryan said. "That's kind of the way in which we were all year. That's not going to change. I love that strategy.

"I love that they have faith in me and that they have faith in the guys that we've, and we are likely to let it rip. Obviously, it didn't work out and about. "

Despite the history connected with Super Bowl losers fighting a hangover the subsequent season, the Falcons' quarterback considers his young team may bounce back quicker in comparison with most.

"I think everybody are going to be really hungry to go back there, " Ryan said. "Because, the one thing that I'm happy with, we have a small team, and we were able to play. We played well. We were right in the mix.

"We fell a little bit short, but we should have every bit of confidence that we're going to be right back there next year getting a different outcome because we're going to be more experienced. "

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