Why do Researchers Say Fish Oil Supplements Are Best for High Blood Pressure?

Posted by HealthyPlanet on May 9th, 2017

High blood pressure is one of those devastating health conditions that can eat away a patient’s health from within. Its effects on the well-being of an individual are shockingly detrimental and that’s not even the worst part! The worst part actually is that most people don’t even realize when the condition takes root in their body.  In conventional medicine, your doctor might ask you to lose weight, follow a specific diet and cut down your salt intake to bring the condition under control. You will have to follow a strict medicine regime to maintain your blood pressure at the optimal level. However, many researchers across the world are now coming up with various studies that claim fish oil supplements to have miraculous effects in the management of hypertension. Let’s explore why this may actually be true:

Fish Oil Supplements - why are they beneficial?

Before exploring fish oil supplements, it is important that you understand exactly why you should consider making them a part of your diet. The biggest benefit of fish oil is that you get a generous supply of Omega 3 fatty acids, also known as the ‘good’ fats. Omega 3 fish oil contains both docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosatetraenoic acid (EPA) - substances that have been proven to be important in the prevention and management of heart disease. Out of these two, EPA is extremely beneficial for high blood pressure patients because it helps the body in producing eicosanoids - hormones responsible for thinning the blood, which in turn helps it flow more efficiently. Eicosanoids also help in reducing cytokines which are known to induce inflammation - another condition that induces hypertension.

Fish Oil Supplements - how to consume them?

The 2016 EU dietary guidelines recommend a minimum intake of Omega 3 forms DHA and EPA of about 0.5grams/day for healthy individuals and 1gram/day for people with confirmed cardiovascular problems. To put these values into perspective with fish oil, you will find about 2grams of Omega 3 fatty acids in a 3 ounce serving of an Atlantic farmed salmon. You can get the benefits of Omega 3 fish oil by consuming salmon, mackerel, tuna, mullet, and herring or trout fish as part of your diet. Or you can choose to consume high quality fish oil supplements to make up for your intake of Omega 3 and bring your hypertension under control in a more easy to manage and effective way.

Fish Oil supplements - what benefits can you get?

Fish oil supplements have been proven to help bring down systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure. It acts as an anti-coagulant and is known to reduce the development of plaque in the arteries. It also helps in reducing triglycerides, induce a balanced heart rhythm and lessen the chances of cardiac arrest and stroke in individuals suffering from cardiovascular problems.

And THAT is why researchers across the world are saying, in unison, that fish oil supplements are best for patients suffering from high blood pressure and related complications.

About the Author:
At Healthy Planet, our goal is to make the world Healthier and Greener one day at a time. From vitamins, supplements produce groceries & health foods we sell to the socially responsible manufacturers & with distributors whom we work with we put everything we do through the Healthy Planet filter. We believe that even the smallest simplest of positive actions every day can result in big changes toward a better healthier life for you & for the planet.

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