Learn Why Pluralism is Divine Through a Colorful Abstract Painting

Posted by Michelle Silverman on May 11th, 2017

Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. A beautiful example of transcending art is a colorful abstract painting - it captures different facets of human imagination like no other form of art. It transports you to a place where your thoughts and imagination are pure, and unhindered by the judgments of the society. The combination of colors that blend together to give a unique form to the thoughts of a painter is a classic way to express what words cannot.

When they say, "A picture is worth a thousand words", they refer to the surreal quality of a picture as it can convey the most complex of ideas with just an image. It conveys the meaning or essence of a subject much more effectively than a description does. This notion is true in every essence and it is because of this beauty that art, especially painting, is held in such high regard in the world.

Art, in any form, can dramatically change your perception of a thing or a person. The best way to explain it is by taking an example of a colorful abstract painting in which the colors are not uniform and they lack the commonly desired discipline too, but even in its irregular setting it appears mesmerizing and divine.

It is the best way to reflect how diversity or pluralism in society can be aesthetic, graceful and divine. There is such variety in art that it sometimes boggles the mind. There are different forms of dance, music, performances, abstract art, and much more, and it is, on occasions, difficult to comprehend and appreciate the beauty of each one of these. But this is not a negative aspect of human nature as this is what makes us unique and different from each other. It’s like each one of us is a different color that together forms a beautiful painting, either abstract or realistic - the colorful assembly of all is what creates magic on canvas.

A lot of people are art enthusiasts and they all draw different forms of pleasures from different forms of art. For some, it lifts the spirits and for others, it soothes the mind and body. Art inspires you to form a more optimistic perception towards life and offset negativity. Art, such as a colorful abstract painting, heals your heart and infuses a new energy in you. All you need to do is discover your love for an art form.

The author is an active blogger and an art enthusiast. He follows different form of art closely and shares his experiences through words. This article discusses how a colorful abstract painting can change your perception towards life and society.

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Michelle Silverman

About the Author

Michelle Silverman
Joined: May 11th, 2017
Articles Posted: 4

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