Domain Name Relevance - WWW?

Posted by Nick Niesen on November 1st, 2010

Your domain name is the internet address for your unique place on the web, thus undeniably important. It creates your identify and allows you to have an internet presence, whether you are just telling the world who you are or trying to sell a product or service. IP (Internet Protocol) addresses are strings of numbers separated by dots and, although every computer on the internet has one, would be very difficult to remember. Domain names make internet communication much easier.

But domain names are especially important considerations for successful eCommerce. A name that is easy to remember, and easy to spell, can make the difference between a compelling presence on the internet and wandering around in the fog of cyberspace. Domain names are as important to the eCommerce entrepreneur as store names were to Mom and Pop Shops a century ago. They are descriptive labels that tell the shopper what to expect on the site.

Domain names need to relate to the product or service you offer. For obvious reasons, domain names that don?t apply to content have absolutely no value to the company. In fact, they can effectively shut down the cyber-shopper from considering any future business with you. Descriptive domain names draw surfers who are just ?window shopping? and you have a greater chance of converting them into buyers. Other eCommerce business will develop back-links to your site more readily if they can recognize you from your domain name.

Domain names, if appropriately descriptive about your service or product, are an effective branding tool. You want every shopper in the world to know about your content, and to think about you when your industry is mentioned. Branding is the way that global symbol is created. A domain name describing your business reinforces your brand and makes it easier for shoppers to remember you and return to shop on your site.

Probably most important, domain names evoke a sense of professionalism and credibility for eCommerce. Having a web site with a compelling domain name says you know enough about the real world in the 21st century to have a presence in cyberspace, to invite shoppers to visit your site and to offer viable products and services to cyber-consumers. You are willing to relate with the international community and identify your place on the web and in the global market.

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Nick Niesen

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Nick Niesen
Joined: April 29th, 2015
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