Create the Perfect Landing Page for Your Mobile App in 2018

Posted by Juned Ahmed on December 12th, 2017

Today time has become the most valuable asset for everyone. A mobile app development company needs to understand that with wider access to the internet, millions of websites and apps are competitively trying to catch customer attention, and due to lack of time customer does not have much time to judge your app. So, you need to catch their attention within the 2-6 seconds for which the user logs into your app or website. These initial 2-6 seconds determine whether the user will stay on or leave forever. These few seconds are precious for you to convince the user to spend some of their precious time on your app or in other words for engaging them. This is the reason why it is worth spending a large amount of money and work in creating a perfect landing page for your app.

So, if you want to increase your app downloads by x number of times, you need to work not only hard but also smart for your landing page and make it perfect for attracting users. Here are a few tips to help you achieve the same.

Tip #1: Research well
It is mandatory to thoroughly research and check on the landing pages of other successful company websites and mobile apps before you jump on to making your product landing page. You can gain priceless knowledge from this process and save a lot of time that may be wasted on trials and errors while building your landing page. Analyse and benchmark things you feel are right and if they go well with your product also use them as an inspiration for designing the landing page of your app. Similarly, you can learn from their mistakes and prevent making the same mistakes and also creatively promote your brand by mocking your competitor’s webpage to show that your products are far more better, innovative and up-to-date than your competitors.

Tip #2: Attract user attention with your app
Obviously, the main purpose of your landing page is to make your users excited to download your app. For this you need to assure that amongst all other contents visible on your webpage or any other webpage where your app’s advertisement pops up, your mobile app shines out. The link for downloading the app should also seem ready and upfront so that the users don’t need to scroll for hours for getting your app download link and get switched off. You need to place your “download app” button clearly and highlighted with a suitable coloured background so that user cannot miss that big GooglePlay store and AppStore buttons!

Tip #3: Fine-tune your communication to your target audience
You know the motto of your landing page and need to decide what kind of people will be the best “medium” to achieve it, i.e., your target audience. The way every web user views your app landing page is different. A designer is more likely to pay attention to the icons; a client is likely to look for offers and prices sections, while investors will be interested to find reviews to your success stories, media press releases, or awards, etc. So, while designing the landing page of your app you must have an image of a specific person as your “perfect customer.” However, according to Juned Ghanchi co-founder of, leading app developers in India, “It won’t be right to declare that you cannot have more than one person in your mind while designing the landing page for your app. In such a case, you need to analyse if your target audiences differ greatly. If yes, one landing page will not be enough, and you need to create a few websites for your app and ensure that the right people encounter each one of them by adjusting your landing page to the source that brought clients for you.”

Tip #4: Keep the customer lifecycle in mind
While adjusting your landing page to your target audience needs you also need to understand “the phase” at which your target audience is currently at in the customer lifecycle. The main phases that a potential customer can be at include: Awareness, Interest, Decision, and Action. If your landing page has content to satisfy a customer in all or any of these phases, the customer can be instigated to take buying decision from may be just hearing about your brand to ordering your product. The right landing page can go a long way in making the customer decide the action to be taken.

Tip #5: Avoid making the app landing page design complicated
As the trends in web design page keep changing, the design of the app landing page is extremely important. An overcrowded landing page packed with very colourful gifs and text may get outdated fast. To prevent your landing page from getting outdated fast, choose a simple and user-friendly design with enough white spaces, mild colours, and big fonts. It is a good idea to use your own photos, graphics, and video materials rather than using the free stock ones to make the users see something unique. Make sure that your web design is truly responsive, and displayed well on desktops, laptops, tablets and mobiles.

Tip #6: Make your ‘call to action’ button prominent
Assure that your “Call to Action” button is prominent enough so that your user’s sight naturally lands on it. In case of mobile apps, the CTA button usually has “DOWNLOAD THE APP” text written inside. You can use arrows or photos to ensure that it is easy for a user to locate the CTA button. Moreover, the placement of CTA button should be well above the fold of the landing page. This makes the button more responsive as the user can access it without scrolling down.

Tip #7: Impress your landing page visitors with social proofs
In order to convince your users about the superiority of your mobile app, you can add testimonials of happy users on the landing page of your mobile app. You should also add links to social media accounts where a dedicated community has already been gathered by you and a list of partners who will be endorsing your project. The placement of these social proofs is such that they won’t be missed by the visitors and can make a significant impression on the visitors.

Tip #8: Engage your visitors starting from the landing page itself
Though attracting users to your website is a half-way success, you need to assure that they stay on it long enough and decide to download your app! For this, avoid distracting your users with links to other pages at the very beginning of the page even if your YouTube account is really awesome. The chances are that most likely after watching your video, the user will be tempted to watch the “proposed videos” and will completely forget about your website while browsing through those videos. So be careful while placing external links or better try to avoid them completely.

Tip #9: Make the landing page content speak for itself
Though your landing page may be very well designed and may have nice graphics, the content contained in it makes a great impact on user engagement. Instead of elaborating more about your company or its mission, focus the content more on what your app is really about and how it can be useful for the user. Use minimum words and start with a killer headline. The happy app users testimonials that you may decide to add should be full of useful information and specific advantages that your app brings rather than empty words and sentences that mean nothing like “The app is great, I would recommend it to my friends”. Explain why the app is great!

To conclude
You need to test different variations of your mobile app’s landing page by simplifying registration, changing the CTA position, etc. before finalizing it. However, the above tips can help you form a landing page that will appear to be much easier and interesting to the user.

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Juned Ahmed

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Juned Ahmed
Joined: July 26th, 2017
Articles Posted: 9

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