3 Most Important Factors that Affect Laser Cutting!
Posted by Steven Glassner on June 18th, 2018
Recently, two laser cutting engineering experts, Steve Pugh and Danny Lerman presented a survey reports at FA BTECH in Las Vegas. The report’s name is “How Different Steel Surfaces Affect Laser Cutting Speed and Quality?: A Quantified Case Study”. Their findings say that different surfaces of metal behave differently to laser cuttings. It also proves that better the material surface, better the laser cutting.
But when we talk about laser cutting, material surface is not the only factor that affects. There are numerous other factors which play crucial roles when it comes to cutting a laser sheet. From machine operator to the temperature of metal sheet, every single thing affects the laser cutting.
In this blog, we will discuss top 3 aspects that create differences to your laser cutting. So, let us begin:
1.Surface Thickness
The report that we mentioned about figured out that laser speed drastically decreased on thick metal surfaces. On thin metal layers, laser performs well and cuts the sheet easily. Thick surfaces create smaller processing parameter window. With this smaller window, cutting the surface become slightly difficult and consumes more energy. Thus, it becomes difficult for the laser machine to dial in and cut the surface. Here, using optical lenses help best. Precitec Laser Parts consist of the finest range of optical lenses that can assist you.
Surface thickness also impacts the edges. Edge of the metal sheet that you cut, should be flat and smooth. When the sheet is thick, edges do not follow a uniform shape and stays rough. On hot sheets, this issue does not come up much even if they are thick. Laser heating machines from. You can obtain smooth and neat cornered metal sheet with Bystronic. Furthermore, you can also optimize the performance of your laser cutting machines with Bystronic laser consumables.
2.Laser Power
How your laser machine reacts to the surface that also matters a lot. Laser power is a crucial element to consider when it comes to cutting heavy duty metal sheets. When you use low power laser machines, the cutting process becomes difficult. Whereas, high-power beams can easily intercept the thick metal layers. It also makes edges plan and flat.
To enhance the power of your laser machine, you can add tools that can enrich its power. For example, if you are using a Bystronic machine with less power, the addition of some Bystronic Laser Consumables can adjust the aperture to enhance the power of your laser to cut the sheet.
3.Technology that You Use to Cut
Technology is constantly advancing and bring new developments to the laser cutting industry. At one side, the legacy holder CO2 is still in the vogue. On the other hand, you will find numerous emerging technologies trying to mark their place in the laser industry. Fiber laser is one of them that comes with high speed cutting when compared to the traditional CO2 lasers.
But the benefit that CO2 renders is smooth edges and clean corners. Though as discussed earlier, metal thickness notably decreases the edge quality of the edges and corners. If you use CO2 lasers, Precitec Laser Parts can help you improve the cut quality with minimum power.
So, these were the 3 most important factors that impact the laser cutting. There are numerous other components also that create difference in your metal cutting with laser equipment. We will cover these other factors in our next blog. Till that time, if you have any query or suggestion, feel free to write to us!