Up to 9% off RS Gold on Rsorder to Help you Enjoy Account Security Week Until JuPosted by Maggie on July 10th, 2018 Authenticator and reward those who have this enabled on their account. Beginning 9th July, RuneScape gamers who have their Authenticator and bankpin enabled will receive 2 extra Treasure Hunter Keys every day they log in, up to Sunday the 15th July. Besides, don’t forget to buy runescape gold cheap and safe from our site. More Meaningful Gift :Up to 9% off OSRS gold and RS3 gold on Rsorder for you to Spend 2018 Summer Vacation with Code SVP15 Until July 11! What and how can you able to enjoy during Account Security Week? Firstly, you should understand that the Account Security week is going to last from July 9 until July 15, 2018, in order to celebrate the advantages of a safe account. Secondly, the Count Check will appear within Burthorpe to check your bank PIN and authenticator, and will award you along with XP as well as 2 additional daily Treasure Hunter keys if they are secure. Above all, there will see daily security-themed clue scrolls obtained from Count Check. Count Check, the account security expert, also has some more treats up his sleeve, by means of daily security themed clue scrolls. These clue scrolls will give you one casket and an additional casket if you have your authenticator enabled upon completion. Additionally, every player that has the authenticator enabled will be able to claim one lamp throughout the week. We have loaded this particular week's update with a large amount of changes, this includes a aficionado to the Skill Plot reward for the Clan Avatar. This will now give 100% more resources instead of the 10% previously. The cursed ushabtis are now valued at a minimum of 1 million to ensure they protect over much lower valued items on death. If you happen to get a Friend-only broadcast the achievement will now display in your own chat box as well to indicate a broadcast was sent. The Jesters have also been listening to your feedback - Elite Sirenic Armour no longer degrades inside the Temple of Aminishi, and Elite Sirenic Hauberks can now be created with a full repaired Sirenic Hauberk, 420 Ancient Scales, 3 Algarum Thread and 5 Chaotic Spikes.People will actually forth accept the adeptness to advance Rental Boats to and through the Cove. The anchorage will actually cover a brace of low-level angling places and copse and shrubs calm with a banking academy forth with a dungeon. The adjustment may RS gold accept bank amplitude aloft about all edges application the just accessibility factors as getting a aperture aural the to the west walls and aswell the docks. The adjustment is traveling to be lived on through Buccaneers accepted as Corsairs.Thanks for you reading, and there is enough runescape gold and runescape accouunt for sale at Rsorder. More Meaningful Gift :Up to 9% off OSRS gold and RS3 gold on Rsorder for you to Spend 2018 Summer Vacation with Code SVP15 Until July 11!SJoin by http://www.rsorder.com/rs-goldDetail:Save Off with Code SVP3 for order +!