How To Detoxify The Liver Naturally

Posted by basshopper on July 31st, 2019

When our body begins to signal liver problems, it is usually quite late to deal with them. Our liver is able to function at 20 to 30 percent. Poor function of the liver also affects our mood, when their function is bad emotional tensions, explosions of bad moods, stubbornness, impatience, but also exaggerated meticulousness. Liver detoxification should become a common part of starting the body after a winter.

The liver is the center of metabolism of the body and at the same time it is the largest internal organ of the body. They play a key role in the metabolism of sugars, fats and proteins; they are the bile producing gland - the digestive gland and the endocrine gland where hormones are produced. They are a storage organ that stores iron and some vitamins and participates in a large number of body functions. In terms of stress, they are at the top of the organs in our body, but paradoxically, they do not receive adequate care. Their role in detoxifying the body is virtually irreplaceable.

The liver supplements is well supplied with blood and weighs about one and a half kilograms. They have the greatest ability to regenerate in the body, rid the body of pollutants and poisons, produce bile, manage patency and affect processes at the emotional level of a person, and their current state can also affect mood and mental condition. Involved in hematopoiesis, are able to produce enzymes, hormones, etc.

Cleansing the liver
Liver detoxification is very effective for relieving many health problems such as liver and gallbladder diseases - right side pain, cirrhosis, mononucleosis, borreliosis, high cholesterol, inflammation of the liver and gallbladder, jaundice, oral cavity diseases - aphthae, herpes, dental caries, indigestion (flatulence, flatulence), bowel diseases, back, joint pain, gout, osteoporosis, fatigue, sexual disorders, mental illness, allergies, heart and blood vessel diseases, obesity, immune disorders, sleep disorders, kidney diseases, skin diseases, hormonal disorders.

At present, the liver is heavily burdened with current rushing eating habits, such as fatty and fried foods, white flour, white sugar, alcohol, poor air, chemical drugs. Other causes of liver problems are various types of poisoning, viral (infectious mononucleosis - EBV, jaundice) or bacterial diseases. The first stage of liver disease is fatty liver, which occurs when liver cells are unable to compensate for the influx of alcohol, drugs or fats. The second stage is cirrhosis, which results from long-term inflammation. The liver is very important in blood coagulation. If they are weakened or affected by cirrhosis, clotting is usually reduced and can be manifested by bleeding gums or easy bruising.

What you can do for your liver and gallbladder right now
Definitely adjust your diet. Give up meals prepared on fat. Reduce or eliminate alcohol, coffee, black tea, industrially prepared semi-finished products with stabilizers and preservatives. Indulge in detoxifying herbs - they grow mainly in spring and are dandelion leaves and young nettle. Ginger tea, lemon, seaweed, fermented vegetables and the like will also help. Indulge in enough rest, relaxation and meeting nice people. You will calm your thoughts and your organs through hiking and outdoor activities.

In an acute crisis, it is advisable to take decoction of currant root three times a day for 14 days and then to put on the liver area tiling of curd mixed with crushed onions.

A very popular and effective means of quick liver help is cabbage juice, fresh or sour. The liver tissue also greatly strengthens and regenerates black radish. Also, hail is a natural remedy for all liver problems.

Cleansing or detoxification of the liver and gallbladder
Spring is the best time to cleanse your liver, specifically between April 15 and May 15. Cleansing your liver will help you a lot, disappear from excessive fatigue, hip pain, rashes, explosiveness and fill your life zest. Even if you do not have liver problems, it is advisable to complete the treatment at least once a year, ideally in the spring. The dietary supplement that promotes proper liver function is lecithin, a substance essential for proper use and fat loss. Moreover, the use of lecithin softens the stool and facilitates the detoxification of the liver and the whole organism. If you have a fatty liver or are suffering from cirrhosis or have had a liver disease, it is advisable to add arginine to lecithin, which promotes the removal of ammonia and fats from the body. Overall, chlorophyll has very strong detoxifying effects, which can harmonize bowel activity and thus significantly affect the entire regeneration of the body, including our liver.

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