Brief Look At Guest Posting And Its Benefits

Posted by loreen on August 21st, 2019

Guest posting can take a lot of time. There is a need to find sites for pitch, get the pitch accepted, and then actually write a good post. So that comes with two big limitations. The first to find enough unique content topics to write about and the second is time. Let’s break down these limitations.

The first thing one has to learn is how to systematize the Guest Posting Packages and find an unlimited number of prospects and topics with very little effort. Scaling any link building process will take time and some trial and errors. What is guest posting or guest blogging? It’s when one publishes content on another website with the goal to increase exposure, traffic or brand awareness for own site. The tactics has only three steps. Firstly, you need to find websites to pitch the guest post ideas to, Secondly, find topics to write about. Last one is write content and get it approved on their blog, ideally with a link back to site.

Let’s move on to step one and find guest posting sites to pitch. The two really easy ways to do this is search for something like in title and topic. Next, make sure that pitching these sites will be worth time. And this is super important because one will spend time to writing for websites that get no traffic and have no links because it’s probably not going to do much for brand or website. These are two metrics on which one can look at to get a bird’s eye view of the websites.

The first thing is Domain rating which represents the overall strength of a website’s back link profile. And the second is the amount of search traffic they get at the domain level. So the best way to find thousands of guest posting packages sites is to use Content Explorer. There are two important notes. Number one is you should not limit prospects to just websites that have a “Write for us” page. Most websites don’t have one and if, actually, providing strong content for them then there are very few reasons as to why they would reject it. Moreover, number two, one will have to filter through these results. But it’s literally just a matter of eyeballing the domain names. One last tip is that one should prioritize the sites that they pitch based on relevancy and link. This is the game-changing feature.

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Joined: November 13th, 2017
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