What "Paleo, Gluten-free, and Keto-friendly" Really Mean

Posted by david on October 18th, 2019

I can almost guarantee you know someone who has tried either a paleo, gluten-free, or keto-friendly diet at some point within the last few years. All three of these trendy diets offer different benefits if you can stick to them. Drinking bone broth satisfies the restrictions of every one of these plans. It is a calorie-poor but nutrient-dense beverage that can be enjoyed any time of the day, and in many different forms. It is dairy-free and gluten-free so you won’t have to worry about consuming any inflammatory ingredients that can wreak havoc on your gut. Bone broth benefit aligns with the results you are trying to achieve from following one of these diets. Benefits include, but are certainly not limited to, a healthy gut, strong immune system, and higher energy levels.  Let’s take a further look at exactly what paleo, gluten-free and keto-friendly diets are all about, and how bone broth fits right into each of them.


The paleo diet is modeled after what hunter-gatherers likely would’ve eaten. This diet typically includes lean meats, fish, fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts, and healthy fats and oils. Dairy, legumes, and grains should all be avoided when practicing a Paleo-friendly diet. These foods became popular when farming emerged roughly 10,000 years ago. The aim of this diet is to return to what early humans ate. The reasoning behind this is that the human body isn’t genetically designed to process the diet from modern farming practices. This theory is called the discordance hypothesis. One might follow the Paleo restrictions if you are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Bone broth is packed with about 12 grams of protein per eight ounces and is made with the highest quality ingredients possible. Consuming bone broth is a great way to ensure a proper daily protein intake. 


If you are trying to follow a gluten-free diet, bone broth should be introduced into your meals right away! A gluten-free diet is one that avoids all wheat and most other grains, while substituting healthy alternatives that provide enough nutrients. And speaking of nutrients, bone broth is one of the most nutrient-dense liquids ever made. It contains high levels of collagen and gelatin that aid in producing healthy skin tissue. Our bone broth is made with the finest ingredients and is dairy and grain-free. It is a great platform to sneak in additional spices and veggies. There are so many benefits from consuming bone broth, and it’s also delicious!


The ketogenic diet is one that focuses on a very low-carb, high-fat diet. Carbohydrates are replaced with high-fat foods. The reduction of carbs puts your body in a metabolic state called ketosis. Once you’ve achieved the state of ketosis your body becomes extremely efficient at burning fat for energy. Also, fat is turned into ketones in the liver which supply energy to the brain. 

Typically a keto-friendly diet will include 75% fats, 20% protein and only 5% of carbohydrates, which is known as the Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD). There are other variations of the keto-friendly diet, which all vary as to how you introduce carbs into your meal plan. Consuming bone broth can also be done by substituting it as the liquid in soups. If you add a little avocado or coconut oil to a serving of bone broth, you will be sure to achieve ketosis. Bone broth benefits align with those of a keto-friendly diet and support healthy weight loss as well.

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Joined: September 27th, 2019
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