Fat Starts To Break Down When Exercising For 10 Minutes Or More

Posted by Catnip on December 21st, 2019

Our bodies store energy from carbohydrates, fats, proteins from the food we eat. In which carbohydrates are stored in the form of glycogen In the liver and muscles Protein stored in the form of muscles In which the body digests proteins for energy use in the event of energy shortages.

As for the fat that we plan to get rid of People will collect it under the skin and around Internal organs throughout the body. However, most people have around 15-25% of body fat.Check out https://poslovnipuls.com/2012/05/18/izbori-hdz-parodija-video/ website for effective information on slimming down now.

But when we start exerting In the beginning, the body draws energy from cells to use. This energy cube Is energy that is used during an emergency, such as lifting a refrigerator to escape during a fire Or dodge the punches that punch in front of us In which the body has only a small amount of energy reserve Less that after we begin to exert it, it will be used up in just the first 20 seconds.

Now, if we continue to exert The body will begin to turn to bring energy. (The green color) obtained from glycogen metabolism Metabolism of glucose in the blood This second part of the energy source, though more than the first part But began to run out in 2 minutes onwards.

Many people see the graph like this and secretly happy. Oh !! If that's the case, then we're just exercising for 4 - 6 minutes to start burning the energy from the fat.

But wait !! That is very little. If really going to burn energy from fat Must continue for more than 10 minutes before the fat will be fully burned.

And know, if we take a break before it reaches 10 minutes instead of starting to focus on burning fat The body learns and uses energy from the first and second parts. Makes us unable to reach the energy from the burning of fat

If you compare it to the picture, it's like setting a pot on the fire stove. The first phase, the water is not boiling. What we will do with that radiator is still not seeing any results. The only thing that can be done is to keep the fire or heat under control and continue to burn the boiler.

But if waiting until the time the water starts to boil Then we stopped exercising halfway, resting, relaxing, exerting, no different from the dimmer of the stove A boiling pot that will reduce the heat The efficiency of boiling fat is also reduced.

slimming down

Exercises that are intermittent are therefore like we turn off the stove and allow the pot to cool down. When turning on the heat, boil the water again. There is no way the pot will boil in the blink of an eye. Only have to wait.

It can be seen that exercise helps to burn fat. In addition to the matter of "time", it must also be emphasized in terms of "quantity" as well, regardless of what physical activity we choose. Will be a jog Aerobic dance Cycling, etc. can try to make it.

Medical, therefore, recommends that moderate and higher exertion be the best results. So that we do not lose energy first And after exercising until the 10th minute, the body will start to burn more fat. After the 13-20 minute, you will be entering the serious fat burning phase without returning to the red or green energy. Suppose that if we exercise for 30 minutes with moderate intensity and continuously without rest We will be able to burn fat up to 18 minutes.

Learn to burn fat May encourage yourself by starting from exercise Or moderate physical activity If consecutive for at least 10 minutes and get at least 150 minutes a week, it will result in a more healthy body. And reduce the risk of various diseases as well.

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