Value Your Strata Property with Effective Strata Committee Meetings
Posted by The Strata Collective on January 24th, 2020
With such a huge number of individuals living and owning in strata, disputes in strata schemes are normal. Add into the mix the diverse backgrounds of these individuals, cultural differences, the differing interests of owner-occupiers and investors, differing levels of knowledge and you have a formula for conflict.
Strata managers are generally more knowledgeable with regards to meeting procedures and strata compliance than other attendees at meetings and are often looked upon to solve these disputes.
Basically, the committee is charged with the day to day administration of the owners corporation. The committee is generally elected at each annual general meeting and contains at least three and not more than seven members. The committee consists of the executive members, (chairperson, secretary and treasurer) and the ordinary members.
The strata committee is charged with the responsibility to implement the decisions of the body corporate. Consequently, they should arrange for any resolutions passed by the body corporate in a general meeting to be carried out, whether it be to send levy notices based on the budget, obtain quotes or carry out works.
The committee also has the power to act for the body corporate. A decision of the committee is a decision of the body corporate, except if it is a restricted issue for the committee, in which case it does not have the ability to settle on a decision on that issue.
Some strata committees may consider the formation of a sub-committee or working party to deal with certain issues – these may be made up of elected and non-elected strata committee members. Generally, they would meet independently of the strata committee, but present their conclusions to the committee for approval and action.
Strata Committee Meetings need a minimum 72 hours clear notice in writing identifying date, time and location of the meeting along with a copy of the agenda with proposed motions.
This notice must be provided not only for strata committee members but all owners. It is essential that owners receive notice of the strata committee agenda to enable them to know what is proposed for discussion and choice. The decisions of the strata committee are binding on the Owners Corporation so it is important that all owners are aware of the proposed decisions of the strata committee.
Sometimes a satisfactory resolution of the matter can't be accomplished. For example one owner may wish to keep a dog in their unit in contravention of the by-laws and looks for the owners’ approval. The owners might not have any desire to provide that approval. In circumstances like these, it is the strata manager's role to allow the parties to be heard and direct the owners corporation to continue with a vote. Any strata owner can attend a strata committee meeting in an observer capacity, but is not entitled to vote. The Chairman of the meeting may, at his discretion, permit an observer to address the meeting.