Removing Sand From Your Washer

Posted by kunal on March 23rd, 2020

This year my family and I took a summer vacation to the beach. We had a fabulous time. Every year I attempt to bring home something that will bring a smile to my face as I shall associate it JXSC crusher with the memories of a pleasurable vacation.

Since I really do not need anything I try to pick up something small, inexpensive or free. This year my great find was a cup cake tin. I know that sounds strange but this tin was used lots while we were vacationing. We used it to sort shells by color. We also sorted rocks be size. It became the "bank" for the poker chips for some late night card games. We even used it to evenly split a large bag of M&M's so all the kids got the same amount. My new cup cake tin is now in my cabinet and ready to be used for all those types of thing or even the more traditional cupcakes.

Every year I also bring home lots of dirty laundry. Amazing how many clothes we wear even when it feels like you are spending the majority of your time in a swim suit. unfortunately I also brought home a lot of something that I really wasn't happy with.

We brought home sand. Not just a little bit that sticks to your beach towel and swim suits. What I did not realize was that there were pockets full of it. One of the kids most have filled up their pockets then never emptied them out.

After a great week and a long drive I was tired when we got home. I simply tossed every thing into the washer and started a first load. Guess what shorts were in that first load? Your right, the ones with pockets full of sand.

Now I was in a situation that I needed to get the sand out of my washer. So here are the steps that I took.

1) I took my shop vac and sucked out every hole and crevice of my machine. This removed an amazing amount of sand and I was pleased with how well it worked.

2) I removed the filter and cleaned it well.

3) I then washed a couple old towels that I didn't care it they got some sand in them.

4) I then shop vac'ed it one more time.

My washer is now ready for regular wash and I have learned an important lesson. Always check the pockets after holidays cause you never know what you might bring home. 

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Joined: July 7th, 2017
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