5 Frequently Asked Questions Regarding a Period Cup

Posted by Lalicup on November 9th, 2020

There is nothing wrong if you are using a pad or tampon, but it will be great if you start using a period cup. The things that are lacking in the other two menstrual solutions are very well taken care of in the manufacturing and structure of the period cups. Though insertion and removal are difficult, the monthly periods are comfortable once you learn these activities.

Made up of silicon, you can wear period cups for around 12 hours without any leak and stain. It’s comfortable than pads and a big saviour for the environment. Unlike a pad, you can use a period cup for up to 10 years with proper care and prevent the use of single-use plastic pads. The two best things about a period cup are it reduces period cramps and reduces menstrual expenses.

Even with so many advantages in a row, women avoid using a menstrual cup. And it’s because they have lots of questions related to the product. To ease the problem and help the women to switch over this environmental-friendly, we have discussed the 5 frequently asked questions in this post.

Who can and cannot use a period cup?

With one major exception, everyone can use a period cup. If the cervix is tilted or dropped, it will be difficult to find a cup that would fit and work well. In case there is no such issue, you can use a period cup after selecting the right size and type. You need to understand that no vagina is too small or big that wouldn’t find the product; you only need to be careful while selecting. If you are confused, consult a gynaecologist.

How it feels after inserting the period cup into the vagina?

In comparison to a tampon, you would feel nothing if the cup is placed properly. If you are new, you might feel a bit of sensation for the first couple of days. But once you get used to it, things will normalize and it will easy to use without any complication. The best way to avoid any sensation in your body after using a period cup is to learn inserting and right placing.

How to clean and maintain hygiene when using a period cup?

You know a period cup is re-usable and you need to clean it properly for use in the next period. In most cases, blood spills, and things become messy while removing the cup from the vagina. So, you should not worry of feel yuck. It’s just blood that you should clean using water and wet tissues. After removing the cup, you should empty it and wash it under the running water. Later, you should boil and sanitize it. It will prepare the cup for the next use.

Should women with an IUD use a menstrual cup?

UID is a small T-shaped device inserted in women’s uterus to prevent pregnancy in the future. So they have thought that it will be difficult to use a menstrual cup with IUDs. But according to different research, the combination of a period cup and IUD is completely safe. The experts have explained that IUD is placed in the cervix and a menstrual cup sits lower in the vaginal canal. So, there is nothing to worry about. Just remember, wait for three months after having IUD inserted.

What is the risk of TSS associated with menstrual cup use?

Toxic shock syndrome or TSS is a rare and potentially-risk illness that occurs due to infection with certain types of bacteria. The problem is very common in women who have their period and are using menstrual solutions that are inserted in the vagina. It’s true but in the case of a tampon. Until now, no such case has been recorded by the women using period cups. To prevent any TSS risk, you need to keep the cup clean and sanitize before use.

 After reading the post, we hope you would have got the answers to your queries regarding a period cup. 

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