Articles By aaeesha

Published 8 Years Ago
Advantages of Student Tracking Systems for Parents and Schools
Student safety is a very sensitive and a highly debated topic at schools and educational conference. Every student has the right to safety and care.  The educational institutions across the various countries emphasize on the complete responsibility

Published 8 Years Ago
Online Tutorials are a Lifesaver for Students
College life is full of fun, friends and lots of gaiety. But it is also the time to cement your future in your chosen professional line. The college syllabus is designed to give you the basic knowledge of software programming and other related fields. But

Published 8 Years Ago
Get the HTC M9 at the Best Price in Dubai
Sleek, stylish and absolutely stunning, the HTC M9 mobile phone is indeed a great buy. If you love this smartphone and want to get it at an amazing price, then eDubbuy is the best place to heed to. This online retailer offers HTC mobiles at low prices in

Published 8 Years Ago
Tax Agents Can Help Lodge Business Tax Returns without Any Hassle
Most countries including Australia have imposed tax regulations for both individuals and registered companies. Both corporations and registered companies are liable to file business tax returns. A company includes corporations governed by law outside

Published 8 Years Ago
Learn AngularJS at Your Own Pace through Online Tutorial
AngularJS is one the most popular front-end environment used a lot in the recent times. In 2009, Google developed this client-side JavaScript framework to act as an extension to traditional HTML by providing dynamic capabilities to it. Ever since its

Published 8 Years Ago
Reliability on school bus monitoring system has risen high
When it is the matter of child safety while they commute in the school bus, then it is to duty of the school authorities to give complete support and assistance.   Children are very sensitive and at the same time vulnerable to negative acts or

Published 8 Years Ago
All You Need To Know About Law Firms
Law firms generally comprise of several lawyers working together to practice law. Law firms can be arranged in several ways. Sole proprietorship, limited liability partnership and corporations are commonly seen among law firms. Law firms have special

Published 8 Years Ago
Advanced Java Programming Tutorials: Improve Your Coding Skills
An all-purpose computing language, Java is used in many popular programs including OpenOffice, Minecraft, Vuze, Eclipse, Adobe Creative Suite and many more. This language is class based and object oriented, which makes it suitable for customization to

Published 8 Years Ago
Ladies Handbags: What You Should Know About the Materials?
Ask any woman, and she will tell you that no ensemble is complete without a matching handbag. Designer, functional, classy, traditional, it doesn’t matter which style of ladies handbags you prefer, these accessories amp your style statement like

Published 8 Years Ago
How Advertising Companies in Dubai Help Your Business To Grow
Advertising is a very important form of marketing. All companies need to get some effective advertising done to make their mark in the market and let the public know about the products and services they offer. It does not matter if you are a new company

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