

Joined: September 16th, 2010
Articles Posted: 12


Published 14 Years Ago
Bad Credit is not good!
You have bad credit. So what, right? A lot of people have bad credit. What's the big deal anyway? If you don't think that having bad credit will effect your life than you are WRONG! Bad credit can affect your life in many ways. You get around a dozen

Published 14 Years Ago
My Story: Anxiety and Panic disorder
I was just a kid playing volleyball in my friend's back yard. It was a crisp fall day, the kind of day that makes you want to stay outside. You know, not too hot but not chilly at all. Just perfect. I had just finished my first week of the eighth

Published 14 Years Ago
Tips for cleaning up a blood spill or stain
Do you want to know how I clean up a blood spill? I am an expert, you know. I have been dead for more than two hundred years now. Long ago, when I allowed Victor to give me the gift of eternal life on earth I thought it would be a bit more glamorous.

Published 14 Years Ago
Easy South Indian Coconut Chicken Curry
3 Step, 30 Minute Indian Coconut Chicken Curry that anymone can make Most people really enjoy the exotic flavors of Indian cuisine but are too intimidated by the complex recipes to try to make them at home. This recipe is both delicious and easy! This 3

Published 14 Years Ago
Basic Family Budget Tips
Are you looking for a plan to help you manage your personal finances? Then look no further.Just about everyone knows how to budget their personal finances. The hard part is sticking to your budget once it has been created. Here is a fool-proof method of

Published 14 Years Ago
Foods that fight Depression
Oh, Bliss! That steaming bowl of delicious oatmeal is beckoning you. Go ahead and pile on a handful of those plump and juicy blueberries. Pour on a stream of creamy whole milk. Sit down and enjoy the flavors and aromas this delectable breakfast has to

Published 14 Years Ago
A guide to college loans in New York State
It's hard enough to be a single parent in today's world without the added stress of figuring out how to apply for a college loan! New York State has a reputation for building up brick walls and plastering on the red tape when it comes to applying for

Published 14 Years Ago
How to break in a baseball cap
Whether you are cracking an egg, flying a kite, or riding a bike, chances are that you learned how to perform that simple task by following an easy technique. You didn't invent the method, did you? However simple, certain tasks require following certain

Published 14 Years Ago
Mesh Shorts and Tank Tops: Just say NO!
He walks into the room. You scan him over. You are not impressed. In fact, you are slightly amused. How did this man leave his house looking like a fashion catastrophe? Sure, you might not be a style guru but you have common sense. As if his tight jean

Published 14 Years Ago
Tips for buying a car
When you are in the market for a new car, things can be a little intimidating. There are so many makes and models to choose from. It seems like there is a dealership on every corner as well. So, where do you start? The first thing that you should do is

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