Abhishek Kumar

Abhishek Kumar

Joined: December 27th, 2017
Articles Posted: 12


Published 5 Years Ago
Is overselling your culprit?
salespeople go through one of the good sales and marketing courses conducted by reputed organizations that are involved in sales training in Bangalore

Published 5 Years Ago
When might the training intervention not work?
Training is just one of the many solutions to performance problems in organizations

Published 5 Years Ago
Employee training ? Get the best out of it.
Employee training is worth the time and money as it is important for the workers to be able to improve on their performance levels

Published 5 Years Ago
Corporate Training as a profession
Teachers help a person learn the subjects in schools and colleges.

Published 6 Years Ago
How to become a trainer
How to become a trainer

Published 6 Years Ago
Do you dream to be a trainer?
Have you ever seen a trainer delivering a session and imagined yourself standing in the trainer?s place?

Published 6 Years Ago
Leadership Traits - Essentials of a Leader!
?Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.? ? Marcus Aurelius

Published 6 Years Ago
How to select the right company for leadership training in Bangalore?
More and more companies across the country are organizing leadership training to

Published 6 Years Ago
Leadership Development Program ? The key accelerator
Ripples Learning offers best leadership development program (LDP) in Bangalore, India to help first time leaders in your organization develop the skil

Published 6 Years Ago
After a long delay the Jatayu Earth Centre finally opens in Kerala
The Jatayu Earth center is located at the Chadayamangalam in Kollam, Kerala and it is still under construction process. However, the Kerala tourism ha

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