

Joined: October 8th, 2014
Articles Posted: 22


Published 9 Years Ago
Why different regions matter when choosing a VPN
When it comes to choosing a VPN, there are a number of things you need to consider. As we discussed on our blog post last week, the primary concern of any customer should be the reliability of the VPN provider and the transparency of their business. You

Published 9 Years Ago
An employee?s right to privacy ? does it still exist?
Two weeks ago, a story came to light that threw the question of employee privacy into the news. A woman in Central California claims that she was fired from her job after she uninstalled the work-management app Xora from her company iPhone. The app

Published 9 Years Ago
US surveillance powers expire as the Senate fails to reach a deal on the Patriot
This weekend, three controversial parts of the Patriot Act expired as Rand Paul mounted a successful attack on extensions to the bill. After filibustering the passage of the Freedom Act two weeks ago, Paul had to watch the Senate vote to advance the

Published 9 Years Ago
Canada?s new anti-terror law ? and what it means for privacy
Last week, a new anti-terror bill passed through Canada’s House of Commons despite widespread criticism of the bill and even protests across the country. C-51, or the Anti-Terrorism Act, may now become law. If it does, it will give spy agencies

Published 9 Years Ago
How Brazil is taking the internet into its own hands
There’s a huge new communications project taking place right now – and the US isn’t involved. Next year, Brazil will begin laying 5,600km of undersea internet cable from Fortaleza, Brazil to Lisbon, Portugal, in order to free

Published 9 Years Ago
Why Twitter has moved its non-US accounts away from the US and the NSA
Last week, Twitter updated its privacy policy. The new policy states that the microblogging site now has a two-lane service, meaning that US and non-US accounts are treated differently. If you live in the US, your account is controlled by

Published 9 Years Ago
UK Elections: Which party cares about your privacy?
On May 7th, the UK will vote on the country’s first general election since the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition formed 5 years ago. The unpopularity of that coalition and its austerity measures, as well as the political shake up of last

Published 10 Years Ago
CISPA?s successor and why you should be worried about it
As you might have seen in last week’s This Week in Privacy newsletter, there’s a whole new CISPA making its way – terrifyingly quickly – through the US senate. The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act is the heir to the now-dead

Published 10 Years Ago
Are Google changing their position on privacy?
Google’s original motto, “Don’t be evil”, hasn’t exactly seemed to be at the forefront of their minds the past few years. After privacy concerns were raised in 2009, Google CEO Eric Schmidt said, “If you have something

Published 10 Years Ago
Barbie, the Internet of Things and what they mean for your privacy
Barbie and the Internet of Things might not, at first, seem to have that much in common, but one news story brought them together in a whole new way last week. Mattel have just announced a new wi-fi enabled doll, Hello Barbie, which will record your

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