How to Reverse the Aging Process

Posted by reversingmyage on February 11th, 2018

Aging process is a thing that many have tried to reverse. For years, scientists have been working to find ways in how to reverse the aging process. There are numerous of researches that have been trying to answer this particular question. Recently, scientists have been working on some studies around the area of genetics and how it plays a part in human’s aging process. Some of which includes the role of telomeres and studies have found that telomeres aging can lead to faster human aging process.

To understand how telomeres can play a part in reversing the aging process, it is best to get an understanding of what is Telomeres first.

Telomeres are a part in human cells found at the ends of your chromosomes. They keep your chromosomes together and prevent it from falling apart. Every time a cell gets divided, the existence of telomeres making it able to do it without the loss of genes.

Now you might have a question in your mind, what do this information has to do with aging process? Researches in the area of telomeres aging have shown that without telomeres, the division of our chromosomes can be interrupted. The interruption can lead to diseases, malfunctions in the body, cancer, or even cell death. Even though a cell can repair itself, without the existence of telomeres, the tip of chromosomes may look like it is broken, thus resulting in the cell to try to repair itself, although in reality it is not broken. Eventually they would stop dividing and die. This will result to an increase in aging process, because cell division plays a major part in the development of new skin, blood, bone, and other cells that is essential in our life.

Studies of Telomeres


One of the latest research done on telomeres aging and genetics are done by a team of professors from the University of Utah, United States. The team, led by geneticist Richard Cawthon have found the correlation between the length of telomeres in one’s cells with the length of life.  From their research, there is a hypothesis that people above 60 years old with shorter telomeres have three times the risk of having heart disease and eight times the risk of dying from infectious disease.

Therefore, many scientists and geneticists nowadays are working on trying to use telomeres to make it longer, and eventually stop telomeres aging. They believe that if we can stop telomeres from shortening, we can add on more years to human lifespan.

One Question Remain

With the recent development in the study of telomeres, there is one question that we are yet able to answer, that is how to reverse the aging process. If we can find out a way to stop telomeres from getting shorter, we may be able to reverse the aging process and find out how to live a longer life. The study of telomeres can also help in the quest of finding the cure of some of the deadliest diseases such as cancer.

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