Get your teeth tip top at Dentist Cheshire

Posted by elitekhandental on May 29th, 2014

A study in 2012 showed almost one third of Americans claiming the first thing they’d typically notice on someone’s face were their teeth. They also claimed nearly half of people with straight teeth to be more successful at getting the job if they were competing with people who had crooked teeth. The most worrying statistic of all however, that nearly three quarters of people would be more willing to lay their trust into someone with straight teeth than someone with a good job or decent set of wheels. Frightening isn’t it. With teeth becoming so important in recent years, it’s ever more important to pick the right dentist.

That’s where Elite Khan Dentist Cheshire comes in. With over twenty five years experience in Dr Khalid Khan alone, along with Dr Nadine Mears abundant knowledge and perfectionism, it’s the perfect private practice to use. With a multitude of services on offer, between Dr Khan and Dr Mears, your teeth can and will be as dazzling as the Hollywood Walk of Fame. From little adjustments, to full on reconstruction, your teeth can be restored beyond your wildest dreams. With teeth whitening being the obvious choice for some, using Zoom Teeth Whitening along with Elighten (voted best teeth whitening product 2012) they ensure top quality all they way.

For those who need a tweak and slight fix, Elite Khan Dental now offer the fast, discrete and fixed brace option called Cfast Braces Cheshire. With the ability to give you beautiful straight teeth in around six months, their popularity is growing by the day. In spite of numerous adverts daily advertising toothpastes, floss and mouth wash some people, for whatever reason just haven’t been able to keep up with their dental demands, resulting in broken, chipped or even missing teeth. For these guys, Dr Khan and Dr Mears offer a number of remedies, ranging from Porcelain veneers, Dental bridges and even Dental implants. All guaranteed to give you a picture perfect smile, and no more frightening statistics to worry about.

Finances are no longer an issue either, with their 0% finance option letting you spread the cost monthly so you don’t have to feel the pinch of purse strings too much, enabling absolutely anyone to have that dazzling Hollywood smile like the stars. So what are you waiting for? Check out Elite Khan Dental Cheshire now, and leave with the biggest, and most perfect, smile on your face.

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Joined: February 12th, 2014
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