Does Jiu-Jitsu Help Teach Discipline In Kids?

Posted by Keelie on May 28th, 2021

Some children struggle with discipline more than others. That leaves parents looking for ways to help their children cope with this struggle. Martial art is a great program to involve your kids and help them while having fun. This article will discuss some of the most common ways that jiu-jitsu can help teach your child discipline. 

Fun Based Learning

Children who struggle with discipline have trouble with directions. They don’t like to be told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. These kids are headstrong and want to feel in control.  It can be challenging and frustrating when parenting a child with these challenges. 

That doesn’t mean that they are bad kids; it just means that they have a few challenges that they need to work through. Fun-based learning is a great way for these children to learn about discipline. There isn’t a need for them to sit and listen to a lecture in martial arts. They will be up, moving, and learning while the instructor is molding some discipline in them. 

It Takes Hard Work and Focus

Jiu-jitsu takes a lot of dedication to training and focuses on detail to be good. Children who struggle with discipline can significantly benefit from these skills. That is why it is a good idea to allow them to learn them in martial arts classes. 

Goal setting is a big part of jiu-jitsu. You want to make it to your next belt and accomplish the following technique. Not obeying your master or slacking during class will leave you behind. Kids will work hard and pay attention when they see others doing it and when they have a goal in mind. 

ADHD and ADD Children

Many times, the kids who struggle with discipline have ADHD or ADD. This is a struggle that they have and cannot control. Their little brains are working faster than they can keep up with. Often, it is out of pure frustration with themselves that they act out. 

Jiu-jitsu is a beautiful activity to get children involved in dealing with ADD and ADHD. They get to move around and have fun while learning. The discipline is taught while doing these activities, not through lectures or pointing out their negative behavior. ADD and ADHD children often have to listen to what they are doing wrong far too often, which can aid in their behavioral problems. 

It Can Make A Difference In Many Places

The skills they learn in jiu-jitsu classes will spill over into other areas of their lives. The behavioral skills they are learning will become something they use in everyday life. Parents frequently notice improvements in school behavior and home behavior. 

Some parents fear that when their kids take martial arts classes, they teach them to be violent. That is the complete opposite of what these classes teach kids. It is about self-defense and the ability to protect yourself. Jiu-Jitsu is not an easy sport, and it takes a lot of discipline to accomplish your goals. Some of the positive traits you can gain from jiu-jitsu classes are:

  • Focus

  • Discipline

  • Goal Setting

  • Respect

  • And So Much More

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