Fresh Fish Exporters: More options to enjoy fresh seafood from nearby Location
Posted by Mohammed Shahul Hameed on March 30th, 2017
The demand for fresh fish has grown exponentially, with an increasing latent demand that also needs to be met. If last mile delivery is important in the supply chain, then first mile sourcing is equally, if not more important. Exporters of fresh seafood acknowledge the need for sourcing the best fish in the freshest state for establishing a strong market presence. Here is a look beyond the processing units to understand how better options translate into better business and satisfied clients.
Early transfer of catch to processing boats
Traditional fishing methods may sometimes be a better option for certain species of fish. Fish processing companies that operate boats to buy fish from fishermen directly from their skiffs, get better quality fish. The catch remains fresh and processes such as flash freezing etc., may be utilized to help better processing. This is a huge advantage over other methods wherein the fishermen take the catch to the markets for sale, which may cause significant deterioration of the catch.
Fresh fish exports will dispense with the need for chemical preservatives
When the fish is processed as early as possible, it dispenses with the need for adding chemical preservatives such as formaldehyde. This keeps the fresh fish free from chemicals that the global community is trying to eliminate from the food chain. With more and more health conscious buyers in the market, it makes sense to offer the best products, free from substances that may be harmful. This also helps businesses to sustain and avoid adverse health concerns from users or regulating authorities.
Overall contribution of processing units closer to catchment areas
Processing units closer to catchment locations are a big boon to exporters. Of the many advantages that accrue, three of the biggest advantages are:
• Cost – A processing unit that is closer to the catchment area, brings costs of transportation down. The logistics of maintaining a supply chain to ferry fresh catch can add to the costs. Therefore, units that operate closer, offer better cost advantages
• Quality – Catch that is transported in the quickest possible time to processing units transfer high quality into exported products. The nutrition and flavor of the fish remain at higher levels, while at the same time avoiding the use of chemicals.
• Execution of orders – Order execution tends to be faster when processing units are closer to the fishing locations. With quicker processing cycles, scalability of operations becomes easy.
About the author:
Tanperch Ltd is one of the divisions of renowned Quality Group Limited (QGL). QGL is one of the largest and most respected business conglomerates in Tanzania with strong interest in diverse businesses such as construction, media, automotive, bi-wheeler, farm equipment, tires, fabrication & erection works, food processing, shopping malls, real estate etc.