Tera MMO Log Part Four: The Political Process Begins
Posted by baby on June 22nd, 2018
It's the ultimate week of my coverage of En Masse Entertainment's massively multiplayer fantasy role-playing game Tera. Normally at this time I would be sick to death of playing and eager to reclaim my down time. Instead, I find myself more committed to the game than in the past.
On Friday, May 25, polling opened across all North American servers for Vanarchs, guild leaders chosen by popular vote to regulate one of three regions in the experience. Once in power, these Vanarchs manage to manipulate specific highlights of their region in order to enhance the play experience with the entire server. They set a tax rate, deploy NPCs offering special services, and implement powers which make life easier for Tera XBOX Items characters passing throughout the region.
In order to facilitate these changes, the Vanarch and his awesome guild must complete guild quests to earn currency that could be exchanged of these boons. Thus being and remaining a Vanarch requires in excess of simple charisma (community . helps). A guild master with political aspirations should have an organization of players focused on furthering his / her cause.
An organization like Passion, my guild within the Dragonfall server, currently inside lead to the Vanarchy of Southern Shara, the action's mid-level area.See the Praise number within the above screenshot? Each day players can "/praise" a guild with their choosing. It's a method of proving for the rest of the server how the 300 people for the guild's roster aren't merely padding, but several active players that love their guild's reputation.
So people planning to apply their vote (one per account per server) identify that number and understand that there's a large population group that prefer to work tirelessly to come up with the points necessary to bring about positive change.
At this rate it's like come voting's end on June 1, I'll be in the excellent position to directory what as being a Vanarch actually entails. I'm not the Tera PS4 Items guild leader, but I am the prettiest character in Passion, which counts for something.
While not campaigning recently I've spent a long time getting my Sorcerer, Back, to level 50. I've operate a few more dungeons, logged a metric lot of quests, and exploited the sport's instance system to accomplish tasks more proficiently. In fact...