Bad behavior of Taif people

Posted by Ady Grewal on August 9th, 2019

After the hard work of preaching the true faith in Makkah, Prophet (SAW) could hardly change the mind of a few people against idolatry. Though people had affirmed the reality of Islam the threat of death from Quraysh would not allow them to accept the true faith. Quraysh got furious when they heard about the new faith as that was entirely against the faith (idolatry) of their forefather. They were not ready to leave at any cost. Even, they defended their faith of idol worship. At one occasion they sent an envoy to the caring uncle of Prophet (SAW) who warned him to stop his nephew to spread the new faith. Thus, he called his nephew and cleared the situation what the envoy of Quraysh said.

On the other hand, Prophet (SAW) remained steadfast and replied that if the Quraysh would put the sun in his right hand and moon in his left hand even he would not give up the true faith. His uncle Abu Talib much impressed to his firm resolution, so he encouraged his nephew to spread Islam. However, Prophet (SAW) started preaching Islam from a little secret house which was rendered by Al-Arqam (RA). The house later became the center of Islamic education. Now the spot is located near the Safa hill and rightly directed from best hajj operators the UK to the people who have a keen desire to visit the Darul Arqam.

Because of the great oppression of Quraysh, a few people of Makkah embraced Islam. So, Prophet (SAW) moved towards the nearby city known as Taif. When the Quraysh of Makkah came to know about the movement of Prophet (SAW) towards Taif, they immediately informed the heads of Taif not to address him to the people of Taif. Thus, the chiefs of Taif gathered people and wrongly interpreted them about Prophet (SAW). As Prophet (SAW) reached there and called people in order to address them about Islam, so they mocked, laughed and threw stones on him. Prophet (SAW) badly injured even blood spurted from his body and his shoes were filled. Meanwhile, Angel Jibrael (AS) came and asked for punishment to the people of Taif. But Prophet (SAW) denied by saying that they did so as they did not recognize him. Instead of cursing them, Prophet (SAW) prayed that the children of people of Taif might recognize him as well as Islam. People who arrange their visa from the UK with cheap umrah packages 2020 UK must visit the spot to feel kindness at brutality.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was very kind on people as he was sent a blessing for all mankind. Not only, was Prophet (SAW) showed kindness on the people but kind for all creatures. Once during the journey, a Sahabi captured a baby bird of sparrow and took along with him. Meanwhile, mother-sparrow continuously started to cry above the heads of the caravan. At asking the reason, Sahaba told Prophet (SAW) that her baby bird is captured by one of them. Prophet (SAW) strictly ordered him to leave her baby bird in the nest. Prophet (SAW) also prohibited to mark on the face of animals but recommended them to mark back on the camel if necessary. In short, the moral character of the Prophet (SAW) are the embodiment of the Holy Quran.

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Ady Grewal

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Ady Grewal
Joined: April 6th, 2019
Articles Posted: 114

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