How are institutional equities catering to the fundamental analysis of a companyPosted by aniket vichare on January 29th, 2020 The Indian stock market offers various funds and bonds where an investment is made to get an income over time. The system is such that a number of investors invest in funds or equities prevailing in the market. Both public and private companies offer shares and bonds where an investment could be made. Thus, these shares or equities offered by different institutions are recognized as institutional equities. What does it deal in? Note that the fair price of the securities is less than the prevailing market price then the company is dealing in overvalued stocks and hence studies show at such a time the company should sell its stocks. On the contrary, when the fair price listed under securities are supposedly tagged greater than the market price than buying is the best option recommended to a company. There are several institutions, like banks, corporate hubs and firms that trade on equities and offer various investments to be made on these aspects of the market. However, one should go through proper research and analysis of the company before deciding to invest in institutional equities. A proper study and fundamental analysis of a company will give you knowledge and understanding of the fluctuating market conditions and accordingly you can set your financial goals and estimate the risks which you can bear at such a time. Remember that besides being one of the most unpredictable and highly risky business fields, stocks are the most profitable segment that a company offers its investors to participate in. It is better than investing in FDs or RDs, as the cash flow that stocks bring to the investors that substantially greater in value and long-term needs can be best met by the surplus earned. Like it? Share it!More by this author |