Health Tips for Women – Dr Sujata Rathod Good Gynecologist in Thane

Posted by Nurvi Naari on March 12th, 2020

  1. Control stress

Stress can have impacting health consequences, such as depression, anxiety and heart disease. Assess the changes that need to be made to your routine to reduce your stress level, and then put them into practice.

  1. Opt for food reeducation

Eating healthily does not mean having to forgo options like a piece of chocolate cake or a slice of pizza. The key tool is moderation. Eat fruits, vegetables and whole foods daily. Choose lean sources of protein, such as fish and low-fat dairy products (low-fat yogurt, low-fat milk, white cheese, etc.).

  1. Prevent osteoporosis

It is important throughout your life to eat foods rich in calcium, such as milk and dairy products, to eat dark colored vegetables, such as broccoli and cabbage, and fish with omega 3, such as sardines and salmon. Regular physical activity and exposure to the sun for 15 minutes a day, before 10 am and after 4 pm, are also important attitudes.

  1. Combine physical exercise

Practice a combination of cardiorespirtory, resistance and weight exercises three to five times a week. They help prevent osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Exercise also helps to improve self-esteem, which is important for a woman’s mental health.

  1. Reflect on fertility

Although many women have no problem getting pregnant after the age of 30 or even having their first child after the age of 40, a woman’s fertility may start to decline after the age of 32. So, if you plan to have children, talk to your doctor about it.

  1. Take care of intimate hygien

Do the cleaning three times a day, preferably using water, special soap for intimate hygiene and using only your fingers. If the busy routine does not allow this constant care, use wet wipes, to prevent paper scraps and organic dirt from accumulating in the vulva.

  1. Pay attention to sexual intercourse

Sex can help reduce stress. If something has negatively interfered with your sexual satisfaction, such as vaginal dryness or pain during intercourse, talk to your doctor to find a solution.

  1. Get enough sleep

Although each person has different sleep needs, experts believe that the habit of having less than seven hours of sleep per night can have negative consequences for the body and the brain. Sleep is essential for tissue repair, growth, memory and learning.

Women also need health care , Dr Sujata Rathod Good Gynecologist in Thane is the best doctor who provides services – Maternity Care and Laparoscopic Surgery, PCOS Treatment, Menopause and Women with midlife problems, Family planning, Recurrent Miscarriage, High-Risk Pregnancy Management, Vaginal infection.

For more information visit us

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Nurvi Naari

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Nurvi Naari
Joined: February 11th, 2020
Articles Posted: 11

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