

Joined: September 1st, 2020
Articles Posted: 12


Published 3 Years Ago
Avoid Cleaning Injuries This Spring
You’re bound to turn your home upside down once again this spring. Most people use this time to do some general cleaning and decluttering.

Published 3 Years Ago
Pulled a Muscle? Here’s How to Recover from It
Have you ever stretched in the morning and suddenly feel a sharp pain in your muscles? Pulling a muscle means you have overstretched the muscles and have injured them in the process.

Published 3 Years Ago
Common Desk Job Pains and How to Fix Them
Desk job aches and pains are commonplace and a result of a sedentary lifestyle. Sitting down for extended periods of time – at least 6 hours each day, can take a toll on the body.

Published 3 Years Ago
Frequent Muscles Cramps? Here are the Reasons Why
Muscle cramps can be crippling. One moment you are doing fine and the next, you are doubled over in pain because your legs are cramping.

Published 3 Years Ago
How to Take Care of Your Lower Back – 5 Helpful Tips to Try
Our lower back often takes a beating. Due to our everyday habits, we inflict a lot of damage to our lower back without realizing it.

Published 3 Years Ago
How to Improve Mobility When You Have Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis can cause swelling and pain. Sufferers might find themselves limiting their range of movement because of this.

Published 3 Years Ago
5 Way to Take Care of Your Joints
Why wait for joint pain to be present before you decide to take better care of them? Prevention is infinitely better so make sure you go the extra mile in ensuring that your joints are in good enough shape.

Published 3 Years Ago
5 Reasons Why You Should See a Physiotherapist Now
When do most people visit North Vancouver physiotherapists? It’s when they get injured or they are recovering from accidents or surgeries.

Published 3 Years Ago
How Physiotherapy Can Help You As You Get Older
One of the common misconceptions people have about physiotherapy in North Vancouver is that only injured people or athletes can benefit from it. That’s not the case.

Published 3 Years Ago
What to Expect from Your Physiotherapy Session
So you’re going for a physiotherapy session and you’re not sure what to expect. Seeing physiotherapists in North Vancouver is a step towards better health and mobility.

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