Articles By kiko

Published 4 Months Ago
Copy Number Variation Analysis
Currently, SNP arrays, short-read, and long-read-length genome sequencing are genome-wide high-throughput technologies that can be used to analyze CNVs in an individual's genome. Each of these technologies has its own limitations and advantages. Among the

Published 4 Months Ago
Principles and Key Concepts of Bioinformatics Experimental Design
A good experimental layout is essential for bioinformatics and data analysis. To begin, one must first evaluate the question that high throughput sequencing data is being used to answer. An experiment that is guided by a hypothesis will always be more inf

Published 4 Months Ago
Common File Formats in Bioinformatics
CD Genomics offers in-depth and comprehensive bioinformatics analysis services and supports the output and analysis of data in multiple file formats. The following are some of the most common file formats used in bioinformatics:

Published 4 Months Ago
Integrated ATAC, ChIP, HiC and RNA Sequencing
ATAC-seq technology is a technical approach to study nuclear chromatin with easy access to transposases using high-throughput sequencing. Highly active Tn5 transposase is used to insert sequencing junctions into open regions of chromatin, and sequencing o

Published 4 Months Ago
ATAC-Seq: Introduction, Features, Workflow, and Applications
By cleaving the open nuclear chromatin region at a specific space-time by transposase, we obtain the regulatory sequences of all active transcripts in the genome at that space-time, and then discover the key regulatory transcription factors by mining the

Published 4 Months Ago
Metagenome Sequencing vs. Viral Amplicon Sequencing: Choosing Effective Sequencing Methods for Monitoring Viral Mutation
The advent of high-throughput sequencing technology has orchestrated a paradigm shift in our capacity to detect and study novel coronaviruses and other viral pathogens. The decision between rapid detection and meticulous sequence assembly becomes a critic

Published 4 Months Ago
Viruses and Virome Sequencing
Viruses, these minuscule and seemingly simple structures, are garnering increasing attention from scientists worldwide. With their unique characteristics and profound impact on living organisms, viruses are a source of fascination and complexity that exte

Published 6 Months Ago
Single-Molecule Real-Time Sequencing in cfDNA Analysis
Circulating free DNA (cfDNA) refers to fragmented DNA molecules that cells release into the bloodstream. These fragments typically range in length from 50 to 300 base pairs and are present in the blood at relatively low concentrations. Circulating tumor D

Published 6 Months Ago
Troubleshooting SMRTbell Library Sequencing Performance
The success of SMRTbell library sequencing relies on the quality of the starting material. Factors such as DNA damage, carry-over contaminants, and improper handling can significantly impact sequencing performance, leading to lower yields, shorter read le

Published 6 Months Ago
A General Guide on NGS Data Analysis
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have revolutionized the field of genomics and have become a cornerstone of modern biological research. However, the massive amounts of data generated by NGS can be challenging to process, analyze, and interpre

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