Articles By qianjiu

Published 5 Years Ago
Huawei controversy: Britain tries to continue the internal and external variable
US President Trump paid a three-day state visit to the UK. Britain’s independent foreign policy has not only diverged from the United States on some international issues. On the issue of how to deal with China’s internal affairs and diplomacy

Published 5 Years Ago
UK economy: manufacturing growth weakens as European companies steer clear of th
Industry surveys released on Monday showed that UK manufacturing has weakened in the past two months, as the British retreat crisis has been dragging on for a long time, and many European companies have decided to transfer their supply chains outside the

Published 5 Years Ago
British political and economic risks after Prime Minister Mei resigned
On May 25th, British Prime Minister Theresa May announced in tears at 10th Downing Street, Prime Minister's Office, that she would resign as prime minister on June 7. This is the decision she made after three failed Brexit efforts. Since the Brexit

Published 5 Years Ago
How will the UK economy be in the post-Texan era?
The British "Brexit" will soon return to the center of world public opinion after the extension. The discussion is mainly focused on several topics: Can the UK and the EU reach a "Brexit" agreement, thus achieving "orderly Brexit"? Will "no

Published 5 Years Ago
To save bees, British groups advocate planting flowering plants to replace lawns
Recently, a number of social groups in the UK actively organized natural turf sports, and advocated planting flowering plants to replace ordinary lawns. It is believed that the purpose of this change is to save the British bee population. According to a

Published 5 Years Ago
The British economy "Brexit dividend" is difficult to last
Although all sectors are worried that the uncertainty brought about by "Brexit" will cause serious damage to the British economy, the data prove that the UK economy performed well in the first three months of this year. According to figures released by

Published 5 Years Ago
The new Brexit draft is not optimistic. The UK economy continues to be under pre
British Prime Minister Teresa May recently announced that he plans to submit a new draft of the Brexit draft to the parliament for the fourth week starting on June 3, but the prospects for the adoption of the plan are still not optimistic, Teresa May also

Published 5 Years Ago
UK economy: family concerns about financial situation intensified in May
A survey showed that UK households’ concerns about financial conditions intensified in May, suggesting a weak consumer economy. During the British retreat, the consumer sector has been one of the brightest areas of the UK economy. Data provider IHS

Published 5 Years Ago
British Finance: Promoting a non-agreement to leave the European Union is a deli
On May 21, local time, British Chancellor of the Exchequer Hammond will make a speech warning the people who promoted the UK without agreement to leave the European Union. They are deliberately hurting the British economy. According to the contents of

Published 5 Years Ago
"Brexit" puzzles reversed the short-term abnormal acceleration of the British ec
According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on the 10th, due to the uncertainty of the “Brexit” uncertainty, the UK’s economy grew by 0.5% in the first quarter of 2019, higher than the fourth quarter of last year.

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