TATA has acquired ISP License in Saudi Arabia

Posted by Vicky Kumar on December 30th, 2020

Tata telecommunication have acquired the ISP License in Saudi Arabia to provide telecom services. Now empowered with the Type B License, India has finally penetrated another country’s regions with our technology. Check this news article to know more.

TATA is an old name. It’s the name that has been everywhere from our phones to the salt that we put on your food. Despite of being so old, TATA telecommunications have been making strides everywhere around in India, and the globe. And now, they have acquired the right to provide internet service in Saudi Arabia.

Yes, you heard it right. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, TATA telecommunication has acquired the rights to provide internet services. In their words, they have gotten the Saudi version of DOT OSP License.

What does it means for TATA to have now acquire TYPE B ISP License?

With the global conglomerate now equipped with the Category B License, it won’t be considered a foreign service carrier anymore.

Until and unless, a company acquires the license to operative within the framework of Arabian laws, it’s considered to be a foreign service carrier. With the issuance of license, TATA has now become a local license carrier.

Powers for TATA telecommunication after getting the regional telecom license

After obtaining the Regional Type B category Telecom license, TATA power has the power:

  1.        To become a carrier neutral service provider to the OTTs,, MNCs and large enterprises of the region.
  2.        To provide network transformation services and address the requirements of network, internet security, SDWAN and private cloud.

Why you should care about ISP License?

Now, why should you care about this news. The answer is pretty simple. It all depends on whether you want to or not. TATA, much like other big players of the telecom sector, are working on expanding their mark upon the world : the mark that they have already made. Would you want to do the same?

When it comes to getting ISP License, INDIA, you can always be one step ahead with the aid of ISP Consultants. From the process of filing the application to assistance adhering to its compliances, our experts can assist in any matter. For more information in this regard, reach out to our experts.

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Vicky Kumar

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Vicky Kumar
Joined: August 17th, 2020
Articles Posted: 6

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