Cleaner Fuel for a Healthier Industrial Economy

Posted by rlnenergyservices on October 25th, 2014

Because natural gas is the cleanest form of fossil fuel, it has many advantages over other energy alternatives such as oil, electricity and propane. It releases very few greenhouse gasses and does not create smog or acid rain. Natural gas is widely available, and is not nearly as harshon the environment.

In addition to being a much cleaner energy alternative, utilizing natural gas is also an economically sound decision. Since very little energy is wasted when natural gas is extracted, it costs less than the alternatives previously mentioned. As an added benefit, natural gas is a local resource which means that the price is not dependent on foreign trade.

Because natural gas is efficient, cheap and friendlier to the environment, it is quickly being adopted by companies that previously used other types of fuel. As more and more research focuses on utilizing new energy sources it is only logical to take advantage of a resource that is both plentiful and nationally available. Since companies are able to be environmentally friendly, lower prices and keep their profit margin, it is no wonder natural gas is becoming a popular choice.

It is not only traditional energy companies that have chosen to explore natural gas. Machinery and equipment companies like Caterpillar are taking advantage of the benefits of natural gas as well. Previously, natural gas was mostly used to power these companies’ novelty products, but not much else. Progressing research, however, has allowed these companies and others to implement the technology into more and more of their products. This means new, energy friendly options within transportation, production and so much more.

What can natural gas power?
Natural gas is capable of more than just heating your home. Caterpillar’s natural gas engines are now making it possible for vehicles and machines to run on natural gas. This could very well be a look into what the future may look like.

Natural gas engines are a relatively new innovative technology benefitting all industries. Caterpillar utilizes Dynamic Gas Blending technology to allow diesel engines to run on natural gas as well. A small amount of diesel is used as a source of ignition, but apart from that, heavy machinery, vehicles and even locomotives are able to run solely on natural gas. If this technology was to be implemented on all modern vehicles, it would surely lead to cheaper fuel prices, lower pollution and reduce the need to import oil.

About the Company:
RLN Energy Services is an Edmonton, Alberta based privately held corporation, specializing in the sale & resale of heavy industrial or commercial power equipments. They provide sales of various highly rated & efficient power equipments including, genset generators, cat generators, power generators, natural gas equipment and industrial engine in Edmonton, Alberta. Along with the sale of power equipments, they also provide training on power generation for the maintenance and operation of associated processes and tools. Their services are highly comprehensive and are served by highly knowledgeable, experienced & skilled field technicians.

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Joined: August 22nd, 2014
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