Magnetic closure boxes for jewelry

Posted by Edward Smyth on February 4th, 2021

Here’s an account of how Diane, a jewelry designer, ended up ordering magnetic closure boxes from ClipnBox. Diane had been into designing jewelry for various brands since half a decade. Her designs were classic as well as modern. She designed very expensive high end jewelry as well as economically priced mid-range jewelry. She had experience in designing gold pieces as well and working with precious and semi-precious stones. Her latest diamond ring designs even featured in magazines and on websites renowned for bringing forward the best top trend in the world of jewelry.

Diane was quite a successful jewelry designer and many a times she was asked a question that why doesn’t she launch her own brand of designer jewelry? The reason why Diane had not launched her own brand was that she never considered becoming an entrepreneur. She was and always wanted to be one of the top jewelry designers on the west coast. However, such constant hammering of the same question did make her think about launching her own jewelry brand once or twice. Moreover, this Covid-19 situation gave her some much needed time to seriously ponder whether she should step into the world of entrepreneurship by launching her own brand of designer jewelry. ‘How bad could it be?’ thought Diane. And decide to dive into this new campaign.

Diane’s magnetic flap boxes for jewelry

Diane knew what pieces she has to design in order to unleash the first wave of her own design jewelry pieces. She knew her wedding bands and necklaces are the most sought after. Diane knew the stones and the metals she had to deploy to make her designer jewelry talk to its custodian. She knew the time and place where she was going to eventually setup her jewelry studio where people could even walk in and advice or contribute towards their custom jewelry designs. Diane had answers to most of her questions barring one million dollar question. Where to get the custom jewelry packaging boxes. What stock or style would best suit her style of work? What style of boxes would complement her jewelry the most? How long would it take for her jewelry boxes to arrive during these testing times when most of the world was working from home?

Luckily, one of her clients suggested ClipnBox, a custom packaging company that he was already working with and had good things to say about. Hence, Diane gave ClipnBox a call and gave them her requirements for custom packaging boxes. The ClipnBox packaging consultant, Adam, gave her some options keeping in mind what Diane was looking for. He suggest custom flap boxes, custom magnetic flap boxes, and rigid lid-off boxes as well and rigid drawer boxes.

Diane decided to go with magnetic flap boxes after much deliberation.

The custom magnetic flap boxes arrive

Exactly 10 working days after placing the order, Diane heard the much awaited doorbell. She inquired who it was, keeping all social distancing protocols in mind. It turned out to be the package from ClipnBox that encased her custom magnetic flap boxes. As soon as Diane opened the box and pulled the first jewelry box out, she knew she’s hit a homer. The quality of the boxes echoed the quality packaging that custom designed jewelry deserves. The stock was spot on, the printing was exquisite, the spot UV for the logo sparkled, the minimalist design of the front magnetic closure boxes all fell in place. The foam and velvet inserts, suggested by Adam, looked amazing and very practical.

Diane’s biggest worry was now put to rest. She could go ahead and show off her custom magnetic flap boxes on social media and spread the excitement through her followers who were eagerly waiting for the launch date for her own jewelry brand.

All in all, everything went uphill from the point ClipnBox delivered Diane with custom rigid jewelry boxes. 

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Edward Smyth

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Edward Smyth
Joined: January 12th, 2021
Articles Posted: 7

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