Smoking Might Cause ImpotencyPosted by vapouriz on August 10th, 2012 Smoking has been traditionally considered a masculine characteristic. For a long time now, even movies have portrayed the male protagonist smoking a cigar or a cigarette, making it a style statement for people from different generations. Even today, some people smoke just because they think that it is cool. At times, all the propaganda about how smoking can cause a range of health disorders for the smokers and the people around them seems to be falling on deaf ears. However, recent studies have revealed that cigarette smoking can have a far greater consequence than anyone ever imagined. It can cause impotency.
The study indicated that smokers have a high risk of getting erectile dysfunction, a disorder which will make men impotent. The study was conducted over a period of time and the people included in it were in the range of 15-60 years of age. There were a total of 12,743 people in the research and they were all clinically tested. It showed that an astounding 17.1% of the entire group was impotent. These numbers are very significant indeed considering the percentage of male population who indulge in smoking. It is noted that almost 40% of all men in this world smoke and the percentage goes up in some of the colder countries.
This should be enough motivation for most men to stop smoking. The problem is that there is a lack of proper guidance and aids which help people in quitting that fatal smoking habit. There are nicotine gums, nicotine patches and nicotine shots which supply the body with nicotine, hoping to reduce the the urge to light up a cigarette. However, none of these aids have been as effective as e-cigarettes.
It takes a combination of will power and electronic cigarettes to quit smoking. You should have a strong desire to get rid of the habit, irrespective of the hardships you are going to face in the process. E-cigarettes come with an option which can regulate the amount of nicotine that goes into your body. You can use this to gradually reduce the consumption to a level, where you can manage without cigarettes. You can even have fun while using e cigarettes as they are available in different flavours. This is one option which is not available in your normal tobacco based cigarettes. You can choose different flavoured cartridges for your next refill, just to keep things a little interesting.
This Article is written by Brett Horth, Director and Head of Client SEO Strategy at Evolve Digital Media. He is also associated with Vapouriz Limited. The electric cigarettes atomizer offered by Vapouriz Limited provides you an effective nicotine delivery in indoor environments, and also free of smoke, tar and tobacco. They have the Great range of premium e cig atomizer and e cig cartridge! Like it? Share it!More by this author |