Jennifer Paul Digital Marketer |
Joined: July 27th, 2020
Articles Posted: 4
Published 3 Years Ago
2021 Guide to setting up Google Ads for E-Commerce Business
n 2021, every brand is now more inclined towards digital marketing to create sales. Especially for e-commerce businesses, Google ads is an effective way to reach a large audience if used in the right way. Here's a complete guide to set up Google ads for a
Published 3 Years Ago
Best Practices for Effective Facebook Advertising
In today's world of digital advertising and marketing, it is crucial to make the best use of all social media platforms. It is no secret that Facebook continues to have the biggest impact in the world of digital media.
Published 4 Years Ago
Ways to promote your upcoming events on Social Media Platforms
One of the most effective ways to generate buzz regarding an upcoming event is using social media. With multiple platforms to choose from, organizations can reach out to various segments.
Published 4 Years Ago
Importance of having Social Media Presence for a Business
Because of the various restrictions, businesses are having to face today, due to the global pandemic, the importance of social media in commerce has grown tremendously. With more and more people joining and using social media sites regularly