

Joined: March 12th, 2014
Articles Posted: 20


Published 9 Years Ago
Some Interesting Facts You Didn?t Know About Candyfloss
CANDYFLOSS it has to be said is one of the most well known and loved treats for people in the UK. Whether you’re five, fifteen or fifty everyone loves Candyfloss and why not? It tastes amazing and for anyone over the age of twenty-one, it sends them

Published 9 Years Ago
Ever Wondered What Makes Empire?s Sweet Popcorn Pop?
Ever wondered what makes Empire’s SWEET POPCORN pop? Well, the secret is actually in the kernel. Popcorn comes from a certain type of maize that creates small kernels that have a hard outer shell. These can’t be chewed without you cracking

Published 9 Years Ago
Are We Now A Nation Of Popcorn Lovers?
The UK was once well known for being a nation of crisp lovers but more recently it would seem there’s a new snack of choice taking the throne. POPCORN is now giving the potato chip snack a serious run for its money and fast becoming the UK’s

Published 9 Years Ago
The Snack We Just Aren?t Eating Enough Of and Where to Get The Best Popcorn Supp
Do you find yourself craving a big bowl of popcorn whenever you pay a visit to the cinema? What about when you fire up your home DVD player for a movie night in with your other half? As it happens, popcorn is one of the healthiest snacks you can eat. Here

Published 9 Years Ago
To Buy Candy Floss or Not To Buy Candy Floss, That Is the Question
Candy floss isn’t exactly a hot topic in most households up and down the country; in fact it’s probably hardly ever mentioned. That is until someone asks for it at the local town show or fair or even when they spot it for sale on

Published 10 Years Ago
The best Candyfloss SUPPLIES for your party, wedding or social event
When people think of the light fluffy pink or blue treat they instantly find themselves taking a mental journey back to their younger years. Reminiscing of their youth spent running around the local town show during the summer, riding the dodgems and the

Published 10 Years Ago
What is CANDYFLOSSand how is it made?
CANDYFLOSS is probably one of the very few sweet treats we can eat as an adult that instantly transports us back to our childhood but what exactly is candyfloss and how is the delicious fluffy stuff made? Candyfloss, although you might not be aware is

Published 10 Years Ago
The perfect pairing for popcorn
There are countless examples out there, some blindingly obvious and others just plain weird but they do exist. Cheese and crackers are a prime example, tuna and mayo and even steak and eggs. When it comes to the sweeter side of things you have the

Published 10 Years Ago
Did you know when it comes to Sweet Popcorn?there?s an App for that
Here in the UK we love and adore SWEET popcorn. It’s the ultimate movie time snack and even the go-to snack for people who are dieting. No matter where you are in life or what you’re doing, it would seem popcorn has a place in the heart of

Published 10 Years Ago
Fun and quirky facts from the best popcorn manufacturers Empire
With popcorn becoming more and more popular we thought we’d go to one of the most popular popcorn manufacturers in the UK, Empire Popcorn, for some fun and quirky facts on our favourite snack. Whether we’re at the movies or at home with a DVD,

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