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Satyam Raj

Satyam Raj
Movie production house | Film production house
Joined: January 24th, 2017
Articles Posted: 13


Published 7 Years Ago
10 Tips for Proper Film Casting
So, you have participated in various school plays and impressed everyone with your acting skills. You have also decided that you will make it big in the film industry and taken numerous classes for it. But, are you aware of what you need to do when you

Published 7 Years Ago
5 Essential Tips for Casting Film
Whether it’s a short film you want to make or a full-length movie, getting right actors onboard remains a big challenge for most production studios. It’s pretty much a tedious process, not to mention, mind boggling too. While film production

Published 7 Years Ago
What is 4K for Digital Cinema?
If you’ve watched any of the high grade movies off late, chances are that you’ve been watching a 4K digital movie. The Hobbit and Avatar are two such movies that readily come to mind and they must have given you the thrill of your life due

Published 7 Years Ago
Top 10 Tips for Quick Post Production
  Post production can be a little tricky if you don’t know how to go about it. Here are some of our best and top 10 tips for post production that will help you get things done faster and better. Let’s get started with these tips- 1)

Published 7 Years Ago
Top 5 reasons to choose 4K over 2K
Are you aware of the 4K Digital cinema? If not you must note that the 4 K digital Cinema can indeed deliver a far superior quality pictures.

Published 7 Years Ago
Difference between Colour Correction & Colour Grading
Let us take a look at what colour correction and colour grading are, and where they differ.

Published 7 Years Ago
Tips on low-budget filmmaking
Read here some tips on how you can pull off low budget film. Equipments, location & cameras to use while making a low budget film.

Published 7 Years Ago
8 Tips on Effective Dubbing
How to make the dubbing effective? Let us checkout:

Published 7 Years Ago
5 tips for casting right actors for your film
Movies are dream-come-true to directors and producers; hence a film production house must choose the right actor to fulfill their aspirations.

Published 7 Years Ago
5 Things To Keep In Mind In Post-Production
Post Production studios are gaining an edge in the industry due to their exceptional contribution in film making.

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